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"He gets back from his trip tomorrow night, I'll make sure to be there and let him know that I have his daughter. He can have his daughter back when he gives me the money. If threatens to call the police, I'll just have to kill him, and probably her if she becomes too difficult to deal with." He sighs loudly.

My heart shatters into pieces. This can't be happening. This all has to be a dream.

My breathing increases as I return to my seat in from of my bowl of cereal. I rest my hands on the table and stare down at the now soggy cereal. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes as Harry's words ring through my ears.

I'm fucking screwed.

"Dawn! Wake up!" I hear the familiar voice of Harry shout

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"Dawn! Wake up!" I hear the familiar voice of Harry shout. He aggressively shakes me from my sleep, annoyed groans leave my mouth.

"What? What do you want?" I say annoyed that I've been awoken from my sleep.

"You're father is on the phone." He says making my eyes shoot open. I sit straight up and stare him back in the eyes.

"What did you just say?" I whispered.

"You're father is on the phone." He repeats holding the iPhone up in his hand.

"Well let me talk to him!" I try to reach for the phone but he moves it out of reach.

"Ah ah ah," he taunts. "I'll hold the phone. And watch what the hell you say." He warns making me nod frantically. He lowers it back in front of me and takes it off of mute.

"Dad?!" I gasp into the speaker phone.

"Dawn! Honey are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. What the hell is going on?"

"I'm so sorry that I've gotten you into this mess, I just really needed the money after your mom left and this job pays really well." He explains only making me more upset.

"Why did you lie to me? Why would keep something like this from me?"

"Princess, it's not that simple. There was no easy way to tell you."

"What isn't simple about telling me about this thing you call a job?" I question him getting irritated. He stays silent on the other line. "Why do you owe him so much money?"

"Dawn," he starts but I cut him off.

"Why dad? What did you do with the money? Why didn't you just give him what you owed him? I wouldn't be in this mess if you would have just payed him his money." My voice starts to get louder as I speak.

Harry sits there, eyes glued on the floor trying to ignore the conversation being heard over the phone.

"Dawn, stop!" My dad yells through the phone. I can tell he was irritated with my tone of voice. "Just give me a chance to make this right, okay?"

I sighed heavily, stressed from the conversation. "Okay." I sigh.

The phone call ends shortly after that, and soon enough, the tears in my eyes threaten to spill. I can feel Harry's intense stare. I wish he would just go away already. My wish came true a few seconds later as I hear his boots thudding across the wooden floor with the door shutting slowly behind him. And that's when all of my tears fall. My eyes begin to burn from the sensation.

The stress that I feel weighing down on my shoulders is intense. My anxiety levels are higher than they've ever been before.

The hatred I feel inside my veins for both Harry and my father are strong. Growing up, I watched movies of people getting kidnapped, but I never thought it would actually happen to me.

I sat on the bed, just thinking. This is all so messed up and really confusing. My dad basically knew this was going to happen. So does this mean anybody knows I'm missing? Is there anyone even looking for me? If my dad said anything, Harry would kill him.

This means, I could literally go outside like a normal person. And no one would know what is actually going on with me. So why does Harry keep me locked up in this house?

I stumble out of the bed and scurry out of my room trying to find Harry. I found him in the kitchen on the phone starring at a computer screen. As soon as he saw me, he held his finder up at me, making sure I stay quiet.

I sigh loudly, leaning against the counter waiting for him to finish his conversation.

I find myself studying his features again. His long chestnut brown curls are pulled back into a bun, his under eyes seem darker than they were yesterday as if he's not getting any sleep. His big hand holds up his phone against his ear making it seem small. His bright eyes stare at his laptop, creases in his brows show how focused he is.

The way his lips move when he talks, his voice is low and slow, almost seductive like.

"Dawn? Snap out of it, it's not nice to stare." I hear Harry say out of nowhere.

I immediately come out of my daze and notice him starring at me with a smug look on his face.

"Take it a picture love, it'll last longer." He laughs.

"What? No. I-"

"Cut the shit, I knew you were staring." He laughs. "Now why are you bothering me while I'm in the middle of important phone calls?"

"Do people know I'm missing?" I question.

"No." He states simply.

"So why can't I go out?"

"Because I don't need you trying anything. We are also far far away from your home state so you don't even know where anything is. So where would you even go?" He questions crossing his arms.

He's got a point. I completely forgot we're not in Texas anymore. "What if I wanted to go shopping or something?"

"Then I'd be going with you."


"No buts. End of discussion. Now go back to your room or I'm putting you back in cuffs." He huffs in annoyance.

I sigh feeling defeated and head back up the stairs slowly. There's no way I'm getting out of here.

Hey y'all !!! I am so sorry for the longggggg long wait !!! This semester has been absolute trash and I've just been so focused on school. But I'm officially done after this week. So that means more updates!

And holy shit ! I got over 8,000 views that's crazy! Thanks so much for the support guys it means a lot that you guys really enjoy this story!

Don't forget to check out my other story Crazy!

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE!!

Love you all <3

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