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My head shot up at the sound of gunshots going off. It came from downstairs. Was that Harry? Was it one of those other guys? I was too afraid to move from my spot. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, they stopped right outside my room. I stayed as quiet as possible, hoping they would go away. But they stood outside, as if they knew I was here and they were trying to see if I would make any noise.

Click. They unlocked the door.

Shit. What do I do?



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The door slowly began to open. I kept my breathing as low as possible. Although I was in the middle of the bed, for some reason I hoped that whoever it was wouldn't see me. That I was just invisible.

In walked in Harry, gun in his hand and that same damn whiskey bottle in the other. We looked each other in the eyes, longer than I was comfortable with. I looked down at the gun in his hands, then back up to his eyes. That smirk was back.

"I killed them, baby girl." He said, his smile was wide and evil, dimples and all were showing. He took the last sip of his liquor bottle before dropping it on the floor. Luckily it didn't break, he would've had me clean it up. "I didn't like the way they were touching you. My innocent girl." He whispers, he takes a couple steps forward. He placed the gun on top of the brown dresser that sat next to the door before returning his attention back over to me.

My nerves begin to rise again. Was he going to put his hands on me now? How did he get drunk so fast? How did he drink that whole bottle of whiskey in one hour? Why is he talking to me like that?

"So why did you let them?" I whimper, ready to cry as the events play through my mind again.

"Because, I tested you, and you failed. I told you not to try anything and you did. You needed to be punished, I felt like you just weren't taking me serious enough, love." He sighed, looking down at his feet.

So now he's going to put his hands on me like that?

"Don't worry, baby girl. I won't put my hands on you like that. Ever." He says as if he was reading my thoughts. He moves to sit on the end of my bed, his back was facing me. I could smell the alcohol coming from him. "But know that I won't ever hesitate to punish you if you misbehave."

He looked back at me with his stone hard expression. I only nodded my head in understanding. I really did believe him. I know he won't be sympathetic about it either. I just don't understand why he had to go this far.

Drunk Harry is confusing. He almost seems sympathetic about what he did, about what he made those guys do to me. But then I remember this is Harry we are talking about. Right now he says he won't put his hands on me, but how do I know he'll stay true to his words? He drinks and does drugs on a daily basis. He just can't be trusted. Ever. I'd never put my own life in his hands.

The feeling of the men's hands seems to linger, shivers begin to run down my spine as I think about it. I felt disgusting. So violated. I felt the need to scrub every inch of my body.

"I need a shower." I say looking up to see his eyes already looking at me. He nods slightly before standing up and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

These have been the longest four days of my life. I can't believe it's only been four days, it's felt like much longer.

I stand slowly from my bed and scurry over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I turn on the hot water and begin stripping from my dirty dress and underwear. I step in feeling the scorching hot water tap against my skin. As much as it stings, I stay under it anyway, removing the feeling of violated from my skin.

I scrub and scrub and scrub until my skin turns bright red. But no matter how hard I scrub, the feeling is still there which only frustrates me. I can feel the tears begin burn in my eyes, but I push them away. I'm done crying. I feel weak and tired and exhausted.

I finally left the shower and picked up a towel from under the cabinets to wrap my body in. I noticed a pile of clean clothes laying on top of the toilet seat. It was clothes I had gotten from the store earlier. Harry must've brought them up.

I slip everything on and the feeling of fresh clean clothes soothes me. Only a little though. My thoughts still continue to race. When I leave the bathroom, I gasp at the sight in front of me. There laid Harry across my bed, sleeping. What was he doing in here?

I slowly walked up to him, as I was, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. The gun.

I looked back over at Harry, to see him sound asleep. Must've been all the alcohol he was drinking.

I slowly walk over, careful not to make too much noise, and I pick up the slightly heavy gun. I had no idea how to use this thing, but how hard could it be? I raised the gun up towards Harry.

This was it. This was my chance to make it out of here. This was my chance to go home. I stared at Harry as he slept peacefully. Unaware of his surroundings. My hand was shaking as I held the gun in my now sweaty hands.

Do it. Just pull the trigger.

Tears were rolling down my cheek, my finger hovered over the trigger.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and before I knew it, my finger had pulled the trigger causing my heart to drop. I gasped loudly when I realized what had happened.


What do y'all think is gonna happen ?!

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-narryshippings <3

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