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"The ones that say H. Inc., my dad has one on his back shoulder." I play with the lose string on my jeans waiting for him to either answer me or lash out.

"I'll answer that another time. Get some sleep." And he returns his attention back to his phone.

I sigh as I look back out the window. I should've known he wouldn't answer that. My head was laying against the window of the jet, my tiredness beginning to take over again. As soon as the jet started moving, my eyes began to flutter shut, my last view of the states for what I'm assuming will be a while.



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"Dawn? Dawn wake up." I heard a voice that I recognized all too well.

"No, Harry. Give me like another hour. Or two." I whine, turning away from him so that my back was facing him.

"Uh, no. We land in 15 minutes. Get up." He says giving me another shove. I sigh loudly, making it obvious that he has annoyed me. I sit up in the seat turning my attention back over to the window.

"How long was I asleep?" I question.

"Pretty much the whole eight hour flight. It's around eight-thirty at night here in London. You might be up all night." He explains to me casually, moving to relax back in his seat. "Jet lag is a bitch."

I forgot about the time differences. There's a lot I might have to get used to being here in a different country an all. Although I'm completely torn about leaving home, I'm a little excited about being able to see London. I've always wanted to travel places and the United Kingdom was on the list.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts. Thank you."

"You ready boys? Haven't been here in years." Louis says smiling while looking out the window.

I look over to Harry to find his expression hard. He seems deep in thought and he doesn't seem too happy to be back in his home country.

"You alright mate?" Niall asked Harry lowly making sure no one else heard him.

"Fine." He sighs. He seems irritated. If this were a different situation with a completely different person, I'd ask to see if they were okay. But this is Harry. I'd rather keep my mouth shut.

The plane had finally landed on the ground and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I have no idea what to expect.

Harry handed me my suitcase from the overhead compartment and motioned for me to follow him towards the exit. We walked out the door or the jet and down the stairs and immediately I was met with a chilly yet refreshing breeze. Although it's early June, I forget that Texas is so much more warmer than it is over here. It feels like it's mid sixties. To me, this is cold.

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