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He grabs me by my hair and pushes me onto the bed making a small whine escape past my lips. "It's not you." He starts. He grabs both my wrist pulling me up towards the head of the bed. "It's not your precious daddy." He clamps the cuffs tightly around my wrist, tears start to escape my eyes. He uses his hand to force me to look him in the eyes.

"It's me."

I look away from his terrifying face as sobs escaped my lips. He backed away from me slowly and turned to walk out the door slamming it shit and locking it. Just like he did when he first got his hands on me.

I don't know what's gotten into Harry, but something in him snapped.


"I don't give two fucks!" I hear Harry shout from his room

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"I don't give two fucks!" I hear Harry shout from his room.

I laid completely still in my bed, feeling completely numb. It's was currently 3:38 in the afternoon. I haven't slept since we got home from the hospital and I haven't spoken or seen Harry since. I've just laid here listening to him scream on the phone every couple of hours.

I'm still shocked at Harry's sudden outbursts. It was just so random and out of nowhere and it really got to me. And I guess that's my fault, I was getting a little too comfortable with Harry being somewhat decent to me when I should've known that he could snap at any moment.

It's also kind of strange.

I don't know why he thought that somewhere in my mind I thought I was in charge around here. I know so much better than to ever speak those kinds of thoughts to him let alone, think about them. I never once thought I was in charge. I cave in too easily to him to ever have that kind of power over him. He's stronger than me physically and mentally. He's got the upper hand, I don't have a say in anything around here.

He knows this. So why the sudden change?

"This is getting fucking ridiculous." He groans loudly. Although my door is closed, I could hear him pretty clearly. I'm not sure if he knows that, but I'm sure he could care less right now. He's probably just taking care of some business that he wouldn't let me know about even if I was free to roam the house again.

I never even had a chance to explore his backyard and I really want to. It looks so peaceful back there. It's like the perfect getaway.

I sigh loudly when I hear Harrys boots thudding across the hardwood floor. I can't tell if he's coming towards my room or if he's just walking down the hallway. My thoughts were answered when I heard my door swing open. I didn't bothering taking my eyes away from the ceiling, as I knew it was him anyway.

"Dawn, I'm fucking done with-"

I could tell he was stressed out about something, it was radiating off of him like heat from the sun. But I honestly wanted nothing to do with him. He's completely drained me, I've got no energy to fight back with him.

"I'm the one in charge, not you-"

I blocked out his voice so that I didn't have to hear him rant about something that upset him. Something is always upsetting him and I'm tired of it being taken out on me when I did nothing wrong.

I just wish this all went away. I just wish I was back home in my bed, not having to worry about being cuffed to the bed because someone got upset with something I did or said. I miss my friends. I miss Kassie. I miss my dad. I just miss being home. Where everything was normal.

"Are you even listening to me?" I hear him scoff as I'm pulled from my thoughts.

I move my eyes slowly from the ceiling straight into his green eyes. His brows were furrowed and his forehead was creased from the amount of anger and annoyance that was sketched into his face. He was shirtless, but his jeans hung low on his hips, showing the band of his tight Calvin Klein briefs. His hair was disheveled and tossed everywhere across his head. He looked as if he just rolled out of bed.

"Um. Hello? I'm speaking to you." He rolls his eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Harry?" I finally speak, my voice sounding rough from my lack of speaking the past couple of hours.

"Anything!" I yells. I sit up, feeling slightly irritated.

"Okay, fine. I want to go the fuck home Harry. I'm tired of you using me as your punching bag whenever you get upset and irritated with something. I'm tired of being chained to the bed like I'm some prisoner of yours. I'm tired of you! I'm sick and tired of everything about you! I hate you!" I scream out the last of my rant with tears slowly falling down my red flustered cheeks. My breathing hand become heavy and it was the only thing you could hear in the room.

Harry had gone silent. His fist weren't balled up anymore. He looked thrown off. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he doesn't. He just turns around to walk out of the room, leaving me by myself once again.

"Why do you always walk away?" I yell just as the door slams shut.

The pain that I felt in my chest was unbearable. I was confused and distraught. Why does he come in here to pick a fight with me just to leave after I yell right back at him? Why does he never continue the conversation until it's finished? Why does he always leave me alone?

I hate the feeling that I get when I fight with him. Why? I don't know. It's not like I have feelings for him. Who would catch feelings for someone like him anyway?

He's hiding something from me. I just know it. But I don't think I'm going to find out anytime soon. I have a feeling things are going to be different around here and I'm not going to like it. It's already super uncomfortable and awkward now.


oh lord I know y'all are mad at me for the wait and I know y'all are about to be even more mad at me bc this chapter is so fucking short AGH IM SORRY ! I have writers block again unfortunately but I'm trying to get past it. I wanna update again tomorrow so I'm keeping my finger crossed 🤞🏼. Please excuse my lame excuse and continue to love me :))

I still love y'all!

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-narryshippings <3

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