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"It's your fault he's cracking all those jokes." I say earning a smirk from him.

"I didn't tell them, they just caught on." He defends himself.

"Still your fault." I roll over onto my stomach. "Did you need something?" I asked changing the subject.

He stares at me for a moment. Almost as if he's debating on bringing up whatever it is he's got in mind. I can tell what he wants to bring up, it's obvious. His facial expressions show it all.

"I could feel your sexual tension, Dawn."


"W-what? Harry what the fuck?" I gasped loudly, sitting up straight on the bed

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"W-what? Harry what the fuck?" I gasped loudly, sitting up straight on the bed. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I know you're sexually frustrated. You have needs, we all do. Even I do." He says with a smirk.

"Okay?" I say, not really sure what he's getting at.

"Seriously Dawn?" He raises his brows, he gives me a "you seriously don't know what I'm talking about?" look. "I'm basically saying, let me satisfy both of our needs. No strings attached. Whenever we need it." he continues with a neutral expression across his face and his arms crossed over his chest. He cannot be serious.

Although I can't see my face, I know I look absolutely dumbfounded. The idea that he just threw in my face is absolutely insane.

"I mean, think about it. Who knows how much longer you'll be stuck here with me. Shit, we might have to repopulate the earth with the pace your father is moving at." He laughs causing me to scowl at him.

"Just kidding, but seriously. You might be here a while, so why not?" He shrugs.

"Why on earth would you want to do something like that?" I ask Harry, confused. Is he really considering having sex with me to satisfy his needs? "Can't you ask them other girls you usually fuck around with?"

"I did that in America when I didn't bring them to my actual home. Now that I'm in my actual house, I don't want to bring whores around here." He explains, I roll my eyes.

"You're insane." I say, sitting up with my back against the headboard.

"Maybe, but it'll keep us busy and keep us from being frustrated all of the time. Like I said, no strings attached, just whenever we need it." He shrugs casually.

"You know if my father found out about this, he'd try and kill you probably." I say.

"Probably. Which is why he doesn't need to know. No one has to know about this. It stays between me and you."

"So not even Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn would know? Cause they seem to always know shit that happens." I raise my brow at him referring to our previous incident.

"I was making obvious jokes, that's the only reason they found out about that." He does his best to defend himself.

I roll my eyes again. "Right."

Harry doesn't respond. He leans against the dresser that say across the room from me, waiting for me to give him an answer.

"Harry I don't know. It's honestly kinda weird."

"It's only weird if you make it weird." He shrugs for the millionth time.

"Harry, you're my kidnapper. That's not how it works." I say.

"So you want me to starve you and beat your ass to near death every day?" He asked with annoyances laced in his voice.

"Well. No. But like. Ugh. I just wanna avoid things that should be avoided. I don't need to catch Stockholm Syndrome." I say back.

"You only catch Stockholm Syndrome if you fall for me. Obviously that won't be happening, there's no strings attached as I said before." He says simply.

I sit there silently. Am I seriously thinking about this? Do I actually want to consider doing something like this?

If I were to tell anyone about this idea, they'd think I was insane and stupid.

"So. What do you say, Dawn? Satisfy me, and I'll satisfy you?" He questions. "I kind of need an answer, I have things I need to tend to."

"I don't know, Harry." I answer honestly.

"Well, let me know then." He says slightly irritated. He moves for the door and grips the handle before turning his head slightly to face me.

"Just know, I could make you feel so good." He then smirks as he leaves the room.

I'm left completely speechless.

Why does he seem to want this so bad? Is it actually a not so bad idea? Or is it actually a bad idea? I mean, I have been thinking about it the past couple of days anyways.

There's no strings attached either. No feelings involved. Just sex. Satisfying our needs. That's all it is.

My dad would never even approve. He'd kill both of us.

"Which is why he doesn't need to know. No one has to know about this. It stays between me and you."

Harrys words continue to bounce around my skull. Can I trust him enough to do this?


"Do you people ever eat at your own house?" Harry asked as I placed the plates of food on the kitchen table.

"No, why would I when there's perfectly good food made here?" Niall says as he begins to stuff the chicken into his mouth.

"Yeah, what Niall said." Louis says as he sips his beer.

I laugh a little as I sit down to eat with the boys. Harry and I have been making awkward eye contact for most of the night, yet I haven't given him an actual answer. Honestly the eye contact might only be awkward for me. I'm sure Harry is enjoying it too.

I won't lie, I am sexually frustrated. But sex with Harry has trouble written all over it. And why would he want me of all the women he knows to satisfy him? Does he want to do it out of spit of my father?

It seems like a possibility. Or, he just actually wants someone to satisfy his needs. But, you never know with Harry. It's almost as if he has a split personality. One minute he's nice and offering to help me out, and the next he's screaming his head off and cuffing me to the bed in my room for days at a time.

The thought of having sex with Harry causes shivers to run down my spine. It was strange to think about. You only ever hear about a victim willingly having sex with their kidnapper in movies. It's all too bizarre for my mind to even comprehend. This Harry is completely different than the one I met over a month ago.

I sigh as I sit and eat my food while the boys all converse amongst each other. I let my thoughts linger while I sat on silence. Blocking out any other voices in the room.


Hey y'all, sorry for the long wait. I started a full time job and the hours are always different. Like sometimes I start at 6am or 10:30am or 11:30am and I have yet to adjust to the weird hours LMFAOOO I'm always tired nowwww

I promise I'm back on my bullshit !

Sorry for any horrible spelling errors or grammatical mistakes lolllll

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-narryshippings <3

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