Part 7: Feelings

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Jordyn's pov/

I went to the football field and met my friends Kylie, Miles and Shawn. We were best friends since kindergarden and because of them I love Norway. When mum told me we are going to leave Canada and live in Norway, I spent days crying, refusing to eat, but now look at me! I am so thankful that I accepted at the end. My friends started playing but I stopped them.

Jordyn-:" Guys wait! We have new members today!"

They stared at me confused: " They are my friends I met them in my acting lessons!"

At that moment Marcus and Martinus came: " Guys these are Marcus and Martinus! My new friends! Boys these are Kylie, Miles and Shawn."

Kylie-:" You are friends with Norway's biggest pop stars???"

Jordyn-:" You know them?"

Kylie-:" Who doesn't? But sorry guys i'm not a big fan and I don't like your music at all  but you're cute!"

M&M:" Thanks?"

One thing you need to know about Kylie is that she's a little rude sometimes but I know she's so good from the inside.

Myles-:" Enough talking. So I will be with Kylie and Shawn and you can be with your new friends!"

We grabbed the ball and the game started!

Marcus pov/

I don't like to bragg but we CRUSHED Jordyn's friends! They were good tho but not as good as us.

Miles-:" You cheated!"

Jordyn-:" That's what a looser usually says."

Shawn-:" Whatever!"

The way Jordyn started to dance and make faces at her friends because we won made me fall in love with her more and more. She is really unique and she makes me feel so special. I guess that's what we call love at first sight!

Her friends left so we were there alone just talking. After that we invited her to eat lunch with us and she accepted. She will meet our family and I will get the chance to spend more time with her.

She arrived and when I opened for her the door, I was fascinated by her beauty. She was wearing makeup and that was the first time I see her with it.

Jordyn-:" Don't judge me I can act like a girl just for once."

I laughed at that. She entered the house and my family were sitting waiting for her.

Marcus-:" So Jordyn, this is my mum, dad and my little sister Emma."

Mum-:" Hi sweety! Thank you so much for accepting our invitation and  for helping my sons in their first scene."

She blushed and she looked absolutely stunning with her cheeks red. When we finished eating Martinus and I entered to my room and spent all day talking and laughing. Jordyn isn't just a pretty girl, she's more than only a picture, she's so funny and smart. In in one word: She's perfect. She's the perfect girl for me. I really want to tell her how I feel but I can't! What if she didn't want to be in a relationship at the moment? It will be so awkward between us and that will destroy our friendship. I need an advice. I think Martinus can help me I will definitely tell him that I like Jordyn.

Martinus' pov/

After hanging out with Jordyn, I realised that I really really like her. I need to be with her but I can't tell her because we barely know each other and that's an enough reason to reject me. But I know she's the one so i'm definitely asking her out. But before, I need to ask Marcus. He knows about girls more than me and maybe he can help me. Well let's say hopefully because a world without Jordyn is a world that I don't want to live in it at all.

Marcus and Martinus both like Jordyn? I want to be Jordyn😂

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