Part 27: The news

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Jordyn's pov/

Everything was wrong since the beginning! I thought I actually had a chance with Marcus and Martinus but I was wrong! But the fact that I may lose them forever is killing me!

I ran to my house and told mum everything. Her eyes widened when I told her that Marcus and I broke up because he didn't trust me. She held me tight and I felt that there is still someone who cares about me in this dark mean world!

Mum-:" Honey, I have something that may cheer you up! Do you want to forget everything that had happened to you and move on?"

I looked at her surprised. I didn't have a clue about what she was going to tell me that's why I listened carefully!

Mum-:" Jordyn, your father got a promotion so we are moving to Finland! And in Finland there is a huge acting school who will give you acting lessons for free and it's the best school in Europe! "

My jaw dropped! Finland? So a new country with no Marcus and Martinus in it? And a new BETTER school? I actually don't know if I should be sad or happy! I know I am so mad at them, but seriously now I can't imagine my life without them. They became a part of my life, of me!

Mum-:" J honey I am still waiting for your answer!"

I didn't know what to say! Decisions are hard! I told her that I needed some time to think so she nodded and I went straight to my room. I started to see all the pictures of me and the boys in Hollywood. I wish I didn't fight with Marcus, but apparently he doesn't want me in his life! I heard what he said to Martinus, it turns out I'm the one who have done a lot of mistakes, who ruined their life, who made them fight...

I'm afraid MJM won't ever exist anymore...

Marcus' pov/

Life is boring without Jordyn. It's so empty without her. But she decided to stay away from me and I don't blame her for that! I guess we aren't meant to be with each other!

The only advantage of this break up is that Martinus and I can spend more time with each other now. We haven't played a football match in ages and when we did, it felt so good!

Every night I stare at Jordyn's bedroom window since her house is in front of ours. I stare hopping to see  her, or even her shadow and to hear her voice because I missed her so much but unfortunately I couldn't! I only hear neighbours shouting at me for staring at their windows all the time... not on purpose of course.

I never knew how much she means to me, like they say "you never know how much someone is worth to you until you lose him" and that's what happened to me.

We still go to acting lessons but we don't talk much. Martinus told me to forget about her and move one but I don't think this is an option for me!

Jordyn's pov/

Every time I see Marcus and Martinus, I try to avoid them! We no longer wait for our parents to come and pick us together, we no longer work on our projects together, we haven't talk on our WhatsApp group since weeks.

Maybe I do need a fresh start, I need to leave this country and forget all about it! I need to think about my father, he worked really hard to get this promotion and I can't let that opportunity slip out of his hands. I also need to think about myself, about my dream and career and just forget about boys! But on the other hand, they are the one who helped me to win the trip to Hollywood and without them, I wouldn't be able to see the city of my dreams!

After a lot of thinking, I made my mind, I took my decision and I hope it's the right one and that I won't regret it.

Jordyn-:" Mum, I made my decision! I.. "

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