Part 19: This won't work

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Marcus' pov/

I was in my room waiting for Jordyn alone like usual. After the fight, I had no one to talk to. I kinda miss Martinus. But I am sure he doesn't feel the same way.

I heard the doorbell and seconds later Jordyn was in my room, Martinus too. Papers in our hands, we were ready to  write the script, well not really.

Jordyn-:" Let's come up with a title first. That will help us to know what the story is going to be about. It should be catchy but short!"

Martinus-:" What about " The bad brother" or " The player". Wait wait wait I know "steal my girl". What do you think?"

Jordyn-:" Wow Martinus these are the best ideas ever."

Martinus-:" Really?"

Jordyn-:" No!"

What a surprise! My brother wants to write about me!

Marcus-:" You know what, write on your paper some ideas and then we'll discuss ok?"

I started writing some ideas. When we finished we all read our titles out loud.

Jordyn-:" Well I have: "The better me" and  " Fresh start".

Marcus-:" Loved the first one! Martinus?"

Martinus-:" I've already told you! But wait I have more, what about:" THE TWIN WHO MAKES MY LIFE MISERABLE AND KEEPS STEALING EVERYTHING FROM..."

Jordyn-:" OOOK Martinus. Marcus?"

So now I am the bad twin? I make his life miserable? I just want to leave this place but no! I am doing this for Jordyn.

Marcus-:" How about :" Bring me to life"? It can be about friendship and real friends and that without friends in your life, there's no life. They bring us to life!"

Jordyn-:" I actually love this. Martinus did you like it?"

Martinus-:" Not really, my ideas were better."

Jordyn-:" So the topic is about friendship! Now we have to move to the story! I think it should be sad in the first place but happy at the end!"

Martinus-:" How about we talk about betraying each other?"

Jordyn-:" Oh yea! And finally they discover that they were wrong and begin friends again. Let's begin writing!"

We sat next to each other and we came up with the greatest ideas. Then we moved to the characters. If it's about friends then obviously the three of us will be best friends. I will be Alex, Martinus will be Leo and Jordyn will play the role of Nicole.

We then talked about the costumes but it was so obvious that Martinus wasn't concentrating. He was distracted and not focusing on what we were talking about. He wasn't even suggesting ideas.

Marcus-:" Martinus if you are a part of this team then you need to concentrate and at least suggest a few ideas."

Martinus-:" I have suggested but your girlfriend didn't like them and she chose yours. Well who am I kidding of course she will choose her boyfriend's idea!"

I had enough! He keeps humiliating me all the time, he even thinks that Jordyn and I are still a couple. Jordyn was bothered but she didn't speak a word. She was only thinking of this scene that needs to be done in a week! Just a week! She really wants to win this competition but as long as Martinus is in the team, I am sure it's impossible!

Marcus-:" I am only asking you to focus so you can memorize the script now... teammate!"

Jordyn-:" Martinus we don't have time so can you please forget about what happened between us and help me, well help this team?"

Martinus-:" I don't want to be a part of this team anymore! I quit!"

Great! Now we lost a member! We are probably going to fail! I looked at Jordyn who was trying to hide her tears, Martinus is destroying her dream. She was so sad so I couldn't help myself so I pulled her into a hug.

Marcus-:" I will go and talk with him."

She replied between sniffles:" No. Maybe he needs some time alone. I will come tomorrow so we can continue this ok? Bye Marcus!"

I care about this competition as well as Jordyn. I am doing this for her of course but mostly for Martinus and I. We want to be actors not just singers. That's our chance to be international artists but clearly Martinus doesn't care at all.

Bring Me To Life... ( Marcus And Martinus)Where stories live. Discover now