Part 20: I miss you

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Martinus' pov/

I couldn't stand seeing them together! I am not angry because Marcus is with Jordyn, I am angry because he always takes from me everything that makes me happy, and I had enough!

I heard the door opened then closed so I knew Jordyn had left. I also knew that Marcus will go to my room and yell at me like usual so I locked the door.

Minutes later someone was knocking on my door and was trying to open it.

Martinus-:" Go away Marcus the door is locked you will never be able to open it!"

Emma-:" It's Emma not Marcus."

Emma? What does she want from me?
I stood up and unlocked the door.

She looked at me in the eyes and said: "I miss you". I didn't understand what she meant specially because she hugged me and cried on my shoulder right after it.

Martinus-:" What do you mean Emma you see me everyday?!"

Emma-:" I miss the old Martinus. Listen, no one is perfect, we argue, we fight, we even stop talking to each other at times, but siblings are siblings! The love will always be there. You're maybe mad at Marcus but your heart says otherwise."

She added while leaving and closing the door behind her:" Remember that! It's up to you."

Why everyone in this family is against me?

I talked with some friends and we are going to dinner tonight. I needed to take some fresh air. I got dressed and went to the restaurant. Our friends don't know that Marcus and I aren't talking to each other. They even asked me why Marcus didn't come with us so like usual I pretended he was sick.

Austin-:" My brother and I played waterfight today and it was hilarious."

Martinus-:" I love playing that with Marcus. But he always wins! And after the game we always fight on who will clean the place."

Jessica-:" Me too. Hey, let's order. I will have tacos!"

Martinus-:" Tacos? That's Marcus' favorite meal."

Britany-:" I will have Lemonade I don't eat at night!"

Martinus-:" Marcus hates to eat before sleeping too! He says that..."

Austin-:" Heyyy Martinus! Why are you talking about Marcus so much?"

Martinus-:" I am?"

Ally-:" Every time we say something you be like "Marcus loves that, Marcus hates that" , it's like you haven't seen him in a really long time and you miss him."

Was I really talking about him all the time? I didn't notice.

Wait, is this real? No it can't be! Do I miss him?

Maybe I do!

This dinner made me realise how much memories I have with my brother, how I can't live without him. He's not only my brother he's my best friend, the one who picks me up when I fall, the shoulder that I lean on. He's such a special blessing to me. I thought I didn't care about him but actually I do, and a lot! That's why I kept talking about him without even realizing it.

I will never be the same without him, whatever I do I do with him, whatever I say we're better as two. It will never be about "Martinus", it will never be about "Marcus", it will always be about "Marcus and Martinus"' .

I can't believe it took me so long to realise what's missing in my life, why my heart is broken. There's no buddy like a brother and there's no loyal friends like your twin.

I was too busy thinking about Jordyn but as a result, I lost the moon while counting the stars. I like Jordyn and I will always like her, but not as much as my brother.

I went back home and slept. Maybe Marcus still doesn't know if he should forgive me or not but I don't blame him. I made a huge mistake and I need to fix it.

The next day when Jordyn came to continue the script, I helped them and we actually came up with the best script and scene. I could feel that they were surprised by my attitude and behavior. We practised on the scene several times, the story was perfect and has a great message about friendship. We were more than ready to present it on stage. I really hope we will win for Jordyn, and for us!

Marcus and I are still avoiding each other and that hurts like hell for both of us... well for me!

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