Part 18: Best opportunity

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Jordyn's pov/

It's been a week since I talked with Marcus. In acting classes, I sit in the front like usual, Marcus in the back and Martinus in the middle. We don't do our assignments together anymore and I can feel that Marcus and Martinus' relationship isn't going well. I have also noticed that Marcus goes by car but Martinus walks. This is getting worse!

I still have feelings for Marcus and I will always do but every time I see the boys avoiding each other, I know that this is the right thing to do.

When will this fight end? I cry every night, I cry every day, I try to hide my tears all the time! I wish I have never met them, I brought so much damage to this family!

I am starting to hate acting because it reminds me of them. I can't take it anymore!

On Friday, when the class was finished, my teacher stopped me! I got so nervous! I did nothing wrong! He told me to meet him tomorrow in the class at 2 o'clock. So the next day I went to class but I didn't see the teacher. Instead I saw Marcus!

" What are you doing here?", we both said at the same time!

Before I got the chance to answer, I saw Martinus coming into the room.

Marcus-:" Seriously what's going on?"

Couple of minutes later the teacher came in.

Teacher-:" Great so you're all here! Look guys I have something to tell you!"

We were all looking at each other! We didn't have a clue about what was going on.

Teacher-:" There's an acting competition here in Norway and the team who will come up with the best scene will travel to Hollywood for free and maybe will meet famous actors!"

My jaw dropped: "You mean like Emma Watson?" I asked him.

Teacher-:" Yea! So i directly thought of you! Your "true love" scene was perfect and you have so much chemistry together. I need you to come up with another scene and you have one week."

Martinus-:" I don't think we can do it!"

Teacher-:" Boys that can boost your career, and Jordyn, you can achieve your goal of being a famous actress. It's up to you! You have one week!"

And he left. We didn't say anything but I decided to break the silence. I know it's complicated between us but this is my only chance to prove myself and I won't let them blow it!

Jordyn-:" Listen you two, can you please forget about your fight and accept this opportunity? Maybe acting isn't your dream and it means nothing to you but it means everything to me and I won't let you take this from me. It's for only a week!"

Martinus-:" I'm not doing anything with you two!"

Jordyn-:"Martinus I know you're still mad and I have no idea why but please! This isn't for me or for Marcus! It's for you to prove yourself. Marcus?"

Marcus-:" Fine!"

I looked at Martinus. He nodded too.

Marcus' pov/

After hearing all this, I knew how much this is important for Jordyn's career. But I didn't want to do this scene with Martinus. Plus he still thinks that I'm her boyfriend. He doesn't know that she ditched me because she didn't want him to suffer.

I had to agree. This is about Jordyn and I want her to reach her dream. I can stand one week with Martinus right?

Martinus' pov/

Doing this scene is the last thing I want to do in my life. I can't hang out with Marcus for a whole week. And the scene will probably be a disaster because I can't stand seeing them together. I think I'll try. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at all!

The boys' new song "Make you believe in love" is amazing!!! I can't wait for the album!!!!

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