Part 8: Confessions

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Marcus' pov/

When Jordyn left, I directly went to Martinus' room to tell him how I feel. He was on his phone chatting with someone and he didn't even notice that I entered his room. So I stood right in front of him, he still didn't notice. So I took his phone and hid it in my pocket.

Martinus-:" What was that for?"

Marcus-:" Can you listen to me now. Who were you talking to?"

Martinus-:" Jordyn."

Marcus-:"Why were you talking with her? She just left our house".

Martinus-:" Yea about that I need to tell you something."

Marcus-:" Me too that's why I have been standing here waiting for you to notice me."

Martinus-:" Sorry about that. Anyway I need an advice."

Marcus-:" Same. You first."

Martinus-:" Marcus... I... I..."

Marcus-:" Tinus talk you know you can tell me anything."

He took a deep breath then continued talking:

Martinus-:" Marcus I think I have feelings for Jordyn."

My jaw dropped. He liked Jordyn? What about me we can't both have her. My heart started to beat fast. I felt that my whole life was taken away from me at that moment.

Martinus-:" Marcus are you ok?"

What am I going to do now? I don't want Martinus to date her but i'm his older brother and I need to do what's best for him. But right now what's best for him is the worst thing for me. But I have to my brother means a lot to me and I have to support him.

Marcus-:" Yea i'm fine. Ask her out Martinus."

Martinus-:" And what if she rejects me? That can ruin our friendship and I would rather stay her friend than to lose her forever."

Marcus-:" Martinus who can say no to you? She'll understand bro."

At that moment a tear burned my eye but I tried to hide it.

Martinus-:" Thanks bro I love you!"

And he hugged me tight. I really want him to be happy but what about me? I stood up and left to my room but Martinus stopped me:

Martinus-:" Hey Marcus now it's your turn. What did you want to tell me?"

Marcus-:" It can wait."

Martinus-:" Marcus!"

Marcus-:" WHATTT?"

Martinus-:" I want my phone back."

I gave him his phone and ran to my bed. I spent all day crying my eyes out.

Martinus' pov/

When Jordyn left, I grabbed my phone and texted her.

Martinus🎤-:" Hi J."

Jordyn🎬-:" Miss me already?😂😂"

Martinus🎤-:" Yes😂"

Jordyn🎬-:" Well i'll see you tomorrow."

I was typing when someone took my phone away from me. It was Marcus. How long he has been standing here?

Martinus-:" What was that for?"

Marcus-:" Can you listen to me now. Who were you talking to?"

Martinus-:" Jordyn."

Marcus-:"Why were you talking with her? She just left our house".

Martinus-:" Yea about that I need to tell you something."

Marcus-:" Me too that's why I have been standing here waiting for you to notice me."

Martinus-:" Sorry about that. Anyway I need an advice."

Marcus-:" Same. You first."

Martinus-:" Marcus... I... I..."

I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell him that I like Jordyn.

Marcus-:" Tinus talk you know you can tell me anything."

I took a deep breath then continued talking. He's my brother of course he can help me.

Martinus-:" Marcus I think I have feelings for Jordyn."

He was shocked. His face turned pale, he started to breath pretty fast and I could hear his heart beats. For a moment I thought I lost him.

Martinus-:" Marcus are you ok?"

He stared at me for a minute without saying a word. I wonder what he was thinking about. Then he decided to speak:

Marcus-:" Yea i'm fine. Ask her out Martinus."

Martinus-:" And what if she rejects me? That can ruin our friendship and I would rather stay her friend than to lose her forever."

Marcus-:" Martinus who can say no to you? She'll understand bro."

I noticed a tear falling down his cheeks but I pretended that I didn't see it.

Martinus-:" Thanks bro I love you!"

I hugged him tight. He stood up and left but I stopped him because he wanted to tell me something and my phone is still in his pocket.

Martinus-:" Hey Marcus now it's your turn. What did you want to tell me?"

Marcus-:" It can wait."

Martinus-:" Marcus!"

Marcus-:" WHATT?"

Martinus-:" I want my phone back."

That was so weird.

Poor Marcus😂

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