Part 24: She's mine

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My heart was beating fast when he started to talk.

Martinus-:" Marcus you said that Jordyn broke up with you because we were on a fight and she didn't want to make things worse between us and because she cares about my feelings, right?"

I nodded. I told him everything that had happened on the plane.

Martinus-:" Well now we became best friends again and we ended our fight!"

Marcus-:" I don't understand!"

Martinus-:" Uhh do I have to connect the dots every time for you??! Listen, now you and Jordyn can be together again! Ask her out... again!"

The room was silent after he had spoken these words. What happened to him?

Marcus-:" Martinus clearly you don't have a clue about what's going on! Did you forget that you like Jordyn too? I can't take this risk anymore you are more important that any girl in this entire galaxy!"

Martinus-:" How could I forget? But I know how much you love her and she loves you too so I don't want you to suffer. Trust me you are meant to be together. Forget about me Marcus!"

I stood up and said angrily:

Marcus-:" Forget about you? Martinus I don't want you to suffer too!"

Martinus-:" MARCUS! You were always the better twin, you're the one who protects me, catches me when I fall! This time it's my turn to do what's right! I won't change my mind so don't bother yourself."

Marcus-:" Are you sure you're ok with this?"

Martinus-:" Definitely! So.... is Jorcus real?"

I hugged him tight. He's seriously the most amazing person in this world. I can't believe he chose my happiness over his. And I can't believe that Jordyn will be mine very soon.

Martinus-:" What are you waiting for? Go to her room!"

I held his hand and we went to her room. She was surprised when she saw us because minutes ago she was in our room!

Jordyn-:" Are you guys ok? I mean we.."

But I interrupted her:

Marcus-:" Jordyn Martinus has accepted! You and I can finally be together!"

Jordyn-:" Wait what now?"

Martinus-:" Yes I moved on because I know Marcus would do the same if he was in my situation!"

Jordyn-:" That's amazing but..."

She looked at the floor and avoided eyes contact with me.

Jordyn-:" I moved on too and... ever since I came into your life it turned upside down! You fought because of me and I don't think I can forgive myself!"

Marcus-:" It's not your fault! Martinus and I are doing great and now the only thing missing in our life is you!"

Jordyn-:" I am sorry Marcus!"

I was broken! I can't believe she said that! I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Martinus! Now I know how he felt when Jordyn rejected him. I guess she really brought damage to this family... it's unbelievable!

Martinus and I went to our room but she stopped us...

Jordyn-:" You know I was joking right?"

We turned and we both said at the exact same time :"What?"

Jordyn-:" I can never say no to you! I love you Marcus!"

She ran and jumped over me. I held her waist and lifted her off the ground.

Marcus-:" You know you almost gave me a heart attack?"

She giggled and we ended up in a group hug. Finally she's mine!

~ 1 week later~

Our trip is over so we went back to Norway. This trip was one of the best trips I have ever been to because I have shared it with my brother and my girlfriend! Our relationship is going great and we couldn't be happier!

But little did we know what was waiting for us on Saturday..

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