chapter 3

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Waking up, to the smell of breakfast, I rubbed my eyes, envisioning everything I could smell my stomach growled. I got up and went to shower, I hated the fact that I was here but I couldn't do anything about it, I started to cry but I sucked it up. I'm going to find my way out of here or die trying, wiping my tears from my face I started the shower and stepped in mid way into my shower. The shower curtain was pulled back, scared shitless I screamed, "I just came to look at your beautiful body, Malaysia." He reached out with both hands and grabbed each one of my breast, he squeezed them softly and carefully, "they're so soft and firm,Can I lick them?" The look in his eyes told me that he wasn't playing, I shook my head no, "No, you may not lick them,and can you please leave I'm trying to shower." I said snatching the curtain close. He snatched it back open "let me explain better how things work here, just incase you forgot or don't remember, you will do what I say, when I say, and how I say do it, you are most definitely not allowed to tell me  No!" He yelled picking me up out of the shower, he though me onto the bed, and climbed on top of me, pinning my hands down , he took one of my nipples into his mouth, Making his tongue make circles around my areola, I histed, at the feeling because that made me incredibly. Wet💦💦💦, he switched nipples whiched put me back in ahh, I tried fighting against it too make him stop but he just wouldn't, he licked& sucked both my nipples and my neck before he got off of me. "Damn I almost couldn't help myself, you would've got the dick if we didn't have things to handle this morning." He said before standing up. "Finish showering and bring us ass down for breakfast." He said before shuting my door. I got up, to finish my shower the water was stilling running so I just hopped right back in. I couldn't help but think about what he just did to me, I really don't know how to feel, my insides tell me to like it and want more, but my heads telling me it's wrong because you didn't ask for it, and you've never been intimate, like that before, I cut my self short of my thoughts "you don't even know his name" I said to myself stepping out of the shower. Ugh!!😒😡 I don't have any clothes!! I walked out of my bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed, I looked around the room, hey, a closet💡💡. I walked over to the closet and opened the door, my mouth dropped, there are clothes in my size but how did he know? A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts, I scrolled over to the door to open it, but no-one was there, but there was a note, it reads, "put on Something sexy, and come down, you've missed breakfast. So I guess you won't eat until lunch, we have guests, don't disappoint me with your choice of clothing." -T.

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