Chapter 14

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Soon as the plane landed I gathered my bags and headed in to the Dominican air port I really needed to barrow a phone i searched for a kind enough civilian to let me see there phone most people either ignored me or turnt me down until I saw this sweet little old lady " excuse me ma'am may I please see your phone it's in emergency." "Sure of course." I grabbed her phone and dialed the only number I remembered from all those years... ring,...ring,...ring, ohh please pick up, ring.. "Hello?" "Oh thank god, it's me aunt pèal it's Malaysia." "Oh my baby it's nice to hear from you why haven't I heard from you or seen you?" "Well I'm glad you said that auntie, because I'm in the D.R🙆🏽‍♀️" "ohhh what a wonderful surprise." "Yeah, but I can't really remember how to get to your house so do you think you could give me the directions to your house?" "Sure baby, you have a pen and some paper?" " hey ma'am do you have a pen?" I asked the little old lady that let me use her phone, "sèè, here you  go" "Okay aunt pèal I'm ready." "Okay the address is 83 Columbus NE Metdon Ave." I didn't have any paper so I just wrote it down on my hand "Okay aunt pèal I'll be there in a few." "Okay baby I'm waiting on you." "Okay love you" " love you too" after that I hung up the phone and used the phone to order me an Uber, I handed the old lady back her phone "thank you" "no problem baby." I grabbed my bags which are pretty heavy but I can't complain because that's how I'm paying for everything, I brought me and my heavy ass bags to the front to wait on my Uber, while I was waiting I started thinking I've been in these clothes for over 2 days, 💡 that's it I need clothes, I have to go shopping. Just when I said that a handsome chocolate thing stepped in the airport doors holding a sign that said my name ouuuuu😍 i grabbed my bags and started walking towards him as I got closer to him I realized he looked familiar, he looked at my and his eyes had gotten really wide. "MAYLASIA !!" he dropped the sign and hugged me like he knew me but hadn't seen me in years I'm shocked because I know he looks familiar but I still don't realize who he is. "Ummm" he stopped the hugging then and looked at me "you don't remember me, your own blood, your first cousin, Nicholaś" when he said his name my face lit up I jumped on him and squeezed him so hard "OMG, Nicholaś, I haven't seen you in so long. I'm so happy to see you," " same here cousin, but what brings you to the D.R after all these years?" I looked up at him and back down to the floor and answered his question "no reason just thought it was time to come see y'all is all." He looked at me like he knew I was lying. "Oh, that's sweet, why you wait so long tho is my real question, you know what forget it your here now and that's all that matters." " yeah I can't wait to see everybody else." "So you ready to go?" " yesss I am." He grabbed my bags "damn girl you must be saying with all the clothes you got in here." "Ummm, if I'm being honest it's not clothes in there." "Then what the hell in here that's so damn heavy." He said as he was putting the bags in his car "if you really must know money." "Money!," "yes, and keep your voice down damn, and I need you to take me to the mall." "Malaysia, did you rob a bank in the states and that's why your out here?" "What nicholaś, noo" Little does he know I am on the run tho.

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