You belong to me

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After I got done getting settled in it was around, 3 am DR time my stomach growled and I noticed I hadn't ate since earlier the previous day. So I made my way down to the kitchen to fix me up something to eat, I reached in the fridge to take out some turkey to make me a sandwich, it is 3:15 am so the house is super quiet. If a crumb fell I would hear it that's how quiet it is. All of a sudden I hear a door slam shut. I looked out the far side window and it's a black van with tint on the windows. I automatically knew who it was I dropped the bread down ran up stairs pulled out the letter I had wrote for my auntie and my cousins and Sleeted a duffel bag in Nicholś back closet door where only he could find it and I took off to the garage. I had a back up plan in play just in case T and his niggas did find me. I grabbed the keys to my Dodge Challenger 2019 with the nitrous tank on the bad I throw the duffel bag on the passenger sit. I started the beast up he sounds just like I remember. This was my uncles car he left it for me I guess for times like this when you need to get away from somebody. I could see the men coming closer to the house the last thing I want is for the little piece of family I have left to get hurt so I opened the garage door. And Flooder it. "You want me come get me T." "HEAD TOWARDS THE GARAGE DONT LET HER GO ANY FUCKING WHERE!." In the mist of me pulling off one of his men stepped in front of me and I had a big decision to make. Either stop and let him get me or run his men over and show him I'm not backing down, I hit the gas super hard and ran over the guy who stepped in my way soon as I did here come the bullets but I'm gone it's gone take a jet to catch me. "I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE SHE JUST DID THAT, SHE THINK SHES HARD IMA FUCKING SHOW HER, SHE HAS NO FUCKING IDEA WHO SHES PLAYING WITH. "You hear me Malaysia, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THE FUCK YOUR PLAYING WITH, ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM NOW BECAUSE ONCE I GET YOU BACK IM GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!!

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