Chapter 20

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The more I continued to drive the hungrier I got and the less I thought about what the hell I was going to do because I know I can't let him catch me "I have to out smart him I said to my self but how?" Pulling into a local McDonald's maybe being in a public place will help, he wouldn't try to kidnap me in a public place would he? A good question to ask about this nigga, "which is why I gotta think of something quick." "This bit..", "I don't want to call her no bitch because she's going to have my kids. Ima just call her a female, this female really think she can out smart me like she's smarter than me who lied to her.  AYE niggas we still got the tracking device on her car?  It's taking y'all a long fucking time to find the damn car." " Yeah boss we have tracked her ass down, she's at McDonald's its like a good  30 min drive from here." "GOOD IM READY TO GET HER ASS BACK TO THE HOUSE SHE DON'T KNOW WHATS IN STORE FOR HER ASS."
(30 mins passed)  "aye pull up on the side ima go through the back and y'all ass be waiting in the front in case she takes that way instead." " IIGHT BOSS." "YALL BETTER NOT LET HER ESCAPE, SHE EITHER LEAVES WITH ME OR SHE DOESN'T LEAVE AT ALL." I yelled slamming the door shut.
"UGH MCDONALDS STUPID ASS LONG LINE." I yelled to my self while getting out the car going into McDonald's which I knew was a bad idea but so is waiting and I'm in a hurry I really don't want to be kidnapped and held against my will just to be someone's sex slave or whatever he wants to use me for. "Hi welcome to McDonald's what I get for you today." "Hey how are you I would like two hot&spices and a large fry, with an unsweet tea with Splenda packages." "Yes ma'am right on that for you, for here or to go." " to go thank you." "You welcome, ma'am." "I'm going to the restroom real quick." " okay". Proceeding to the rest room I had this feeling telling me I needed to keep moving and forget the food but I was just to hungry to resist thinking I wouldn't get caught up I squatted above the toilet seat and released my urine. I had been holding it since this morning, when I made my brave get away. While washing my hands all I could think about was eating my food, as I stepped out of the restroom, I immediately feel hands on my shoulders Forcefully pulling me back into the mans restroom I swallowed my thoughts about my food and prepared for the worst possible thing being face to face with the one person I wasn't playing on seeing anytime soon. "Hey Malaysia, how you been?" Knowing a grind was plastered on his face I turned around so I could see it while answering him. " I've been good T, tryna be funny I see, you just seen me why can't you take a hint. I M NOT GOING BACK WITH YOU, I CAN PAY WHAT MY FATHER OWES YOU DAMNN JUST TAKE THE MONEY AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE...PLEASE." " KEEP YELLING AT ME LIKE YOU HAVE LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND, STOP ACTING LIKE I HAVEN'T ALREADY TOLD YOU (WHATS UP) IF I CANT HAVE YOU I WILL, RATHER YOU LIKE IT OR FUCKING NOT." "Now come here we're going home." "NO! IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU, THATS NOT MY HOME!" I yelled "OH YEAH THATS HOW YOU FEEL THEN I'll  JUST CARRY YOU OUT." I picked her ass up and through her over my shoulder. " I DON'T HAVE THE MOTHERFUCKING TIME TO PLAY WITH YOUR ASS MALAYSIA. She went out kicking and screaming. When I say she went out that means I jumped up one time and knocked her ass out just because I like her don't mean I won't smack her in her place, I grabbed her food on my way out the door. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR BEFORE SOMEONE MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT THIS SHIT I DON'T HAVE TIME. I put her in the back of the car and we drove off I can't wait to get her ass home the things I'm going to do to her.

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