Could You Love Me {I}

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"These days I'm haunted by, each day that passes by."


"Oktober, wake up hun. Time for school."

I couldn't think of another phrase that I hated more than that one.

A groan erupted from my lips as I brushed the pieces of my tangled mane of hair out of my face, sitting up from the warm comfort of my bed.

"C'mon on! It's the first day of senior year, be excited!" Aunt Kate yelled from the bottom of the stairs, her waves of over joyfulness almost knocking me over.

After a thirty minute steaming hot shower with various thoughts of contemplating how I could get out of going back to the hell hole that is high school, I decided I had to suck it up.

I had one year to go, just one year.

I could manage, I had to.

"You look great!" Kate cooed, as I walked down the stairs, slinging my bag on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Kate." I spoke, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Our little senior, look at how grown up you are." Uncle Rob teased, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye as he walked into the room.

"Spare me the dramatics, Rob. I'm gonna be late." I stopped him, grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter.

"Smart ass." Rob laughed, earning a shove from Kate. "I just wanted to say, your parents would be so proud of you."

"They would sweetie." Kate smiled, nodding in agreement.

"I doubt that." I replied, watching Kate frown, giving them a small smile before walking out of the house.


"Welcome back to Lakewood high, where dreams are crushed and expectations are higher than Taylor Blake's heels." My best and only friend Imogen, joked.

"Ah yes, the infamous Lakewood High." I sighed as we walked through the doors. "I sure did not miss this place."

Imogen snorted unattractively, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder, strutting down the hall while ignoring the guys oogling over her.

"There's my baby." A familiar voice called out, kissing Imogen on her cheek while slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"Good morning darling." Imogen smiled, looking up at her beloved boyfriend.

Oh, kill me.

"Oktober, how's my second favorite person in the world?" Chase smirked, nodding toward me.

"I'm just peachy Chase, thank you for asking." I replied sarcastically, detaching myself from the two and turning to my locker.

I attempted to convince myself that it would be a good year, that I would have a good year.

My positive attitude was short lived, a certain nasally voice cursing my ears.

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