Could You Love Me {II}

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"I know i'll fall in love with you baby, and that's not what I wanna do"


"Oktober seriously, come to the party."

"How much booze will be there?"


"I'll consider it."

"Oktober." Imogen whined.

"Imogen." I mimicked, tossing her a wink before departing into my history class.

Turned out Axel was in the same one which filled me with such great joy.


I walked to the back of the class to sit in the seat I had claimed as mine, only to see Axel already occupying it. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him, sighing as I sat down, keeping an empty desk in between us.

"Problem, Blackwood?" Axel questioned.

His tone sounded teasing but his face was emotionless as always.

"Actually yes, Dawson." I answered, since we seemed to be on a last name basis. "I know you don't come to this class often, but that's my seat."

"I don't see your name anywhere." He replied. nonchalantly, leaning back in the seat.

"Maybe because your inflated egos taking up all the space." I retorted, making him chuckle humorlessly.

"And here I thought you were a sweet girl. Rumors about you being corrupt must be true." He thought out loud, making me roll my eyes.

"And here I thought you were an egotistical ass. Rumors about you being charming must be false."

"Sorry to disappoint." He mused, watching my expression.

I kept my gaze toward the front of the room, not giving him the satisfaction of glaring at him.

"Wish I could say the same."


"And then he had the balls to call me 'corrupt'." I complained to Imogen, sitting down at a lunch table.

"You know those rumors aren't true, don't feed into him. He could just be trying to get into your pants." Imogen smirked, trying to make light of the situation. "Plus it's Friday and my party is tonight."

I groaned at the reminder of the party I was forced to attend.

The only reason I tolerated parties were for the free booze and well .... just the free booze.

"Hey babe, we're skipping last to go to the tracks. Can you get a ride home from Oktober?" Chase questioned, sitting at our table.

I felt a presence directly across from me, looking up to see the ever so charming Axel.

"No wait, you can't skip. We have to finish our chem project." I spoke, watching his perfect eyebrows raise.

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