Could You Love Me {V}

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"Drop dead he said this feels so liberating"


"So you're telling me you were over his house, in his room, and still didn't bang him?" Imogen questioned, disappointment written all over her face.

"No Imogen, I didn't 'bang' him." I declared, drinking my water.

"That's a shame."

I rolled my eyes at the fantasies growing in her head, her tendency to play matchmaker of my love life surfacing.

"What's a shame?" Chase questioned, sitting down at our table, Dean and Archer joining him, making me raise my brows.

"Nothing!" Imogen spoke quickly, Chase looking at her suspiciously.

"So you're the girl that's been causing our boy some trouble." Archer spoke up, looking at me with an amused expression.

"I could see why, you're a looker." Dean flirted.

"Not interested." I shot down, making him smirk.

"Feisty." He examined, making me roll my eyes. "Axel's got a handful."

I ignored Dean, looking over to Archer. "I think you've got it backwards. Your boy is a pain in my ass."

"Well, it's nice to finally put a face to the name, Oktober." Archer replied, a sense of genuineness in his deep voice.

"Yeah." I smiled sarcastically, standing up from the table as the bell rang.

Chemistry class was boring as always. Each pair was working on finishing their project while I worked on catching up on some sleep.

When the bell rang I walked out to the parking lot with Imogen, Chase in tow.

"Who's that?" Imogen questioned, nodding towards an all black Dodge Challenger, which was parked in front of my car, blocking me in.

I was clueless for a second, until I saw Dean and Archer leaning on it, talking to whoever was in the drivers seat.

"Someone who shouldn't be on school grounds." I answered, sighing.

I walked over to them, confirming my suspicions when I saw a brooding Axel, looking hot as ever.

I seriously did not just think that.

Archer and Dean looked at me, wearing matching smirks.

"Is there a reason you're blocking me in?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow at Axel.

"Yeah, get in."

There was no sign of him joking which only made me grow more curious.

"And leave my car here?"

Axel sighed, rolling his eyes. "Obviously, I'll bring you back later. Get in."

"Such a gentleman." I replied sarcastically, watching as a small smirk crept on his lips.

I dropped my questions, shrugging my shoulders at Imogen who quirked a brow at me, getting into the passenger seat.

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