Could You Love Me {IV}

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"If they try to pull you out, would you even go"


It was Wednesday and it was raining, practically expressing my mood.

I had come to the conclusion Tuesday night that I couldn't do the chemistry project by myself, but I was too stubborn to admit I needed help.

Despite my unwillingness for help, I stood at the school doors forcing Chase to give me Axel's address so we could start the project, two nights before it was due.

"Chase, just give me the damn address." I groaned.

"Fine but when he gets mad, I'm blaming it on you." He sighed, taking my phone and typing the address in.

"See, was it that hard?" I smiled, making him roll his eyes before we both ran out of the school to the parking lot, attempting not to get soaked in the pouring rain.

I quickly got into my car, cranking on the heat in attempt to dry myself. By the time I arrived to what I hoped was Axel's place, I was still damp and about to get rained on even more.

"Great." I muttered, grabbing my book bag and running out of the car, onto the porch of a nice two story gray house.

There was a garden in the front yard and three cars, which lead me to believe Axel wasn't the only one living here.

I didn't really think gardening suited him.

I quickly squeezed the water out of my wet hair, pulling it into a high ponytail to make my presence look somewhat presentable, before knocking on the door.

The dark blue door swung open, revealing a surprised looking Axel. He was sporting a pair of gray sweatpants with a white shirt, his hair messy, which was unsurprisingly an appealing sight.

"Sorry to bother you but we were assigned a chem project on Monday. I tried to do it on my own but I couldn't and it's due F-friday." I huffed out, my teeth chattering due to the hypothermia ravaging my bones. "We could go to the library or something."

"No. You can come in." He finally spoke, catching me off guard.

"Thanks." I mumbled, stepping into the warm house.

"Axel hun, who was at the door?" I heard a soft voice question.

A tall, middle aged woman came around the corner, a bright smile on her face. She was gorgeous and similar looking to Axel, so I could only infer that that was his mother.

"Mom this is Oktober, my chemistry partner. We have a project to do." Axel said, but something was different about it.

He seemed more at ease and less asshole-ish, and it was almost tolerable.

"Hi dear, it's nice to meet you." She smiled, outstretching her hand.

"Thank you and it's nice to meet you too, Mrs Dawson." I smiled back, shaking her hand.

It almost pained me to put fourth the effort of smiling, but then again nothing was truly genuine anymore.

"Oh please, call me Tammy! And Axel where are your manners? Get this poor girl something to warm her up!" Tammy scolded, thumping Axel on the back of his head softly, making me hold back my laughter.

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