Could You Love Me {XXIII}

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"The goosebumps start to race
the minute that my left hand meets your waist
then I watch your face
put my finger on your tongue cause you love the taste "


I woke up from the sound of thunder booming, making me practically jump ten feet in the air.

Axel let out a groan from behind me, removing his arm from around my waist, sitting up in the bed.

"Is it storming?" His raspy voice spoke, almost making me faint.

His hair was going messily in every direction, his ocean eyes squinting as he looked around the room, lightning flashing in the window as if it was answering his question.

"Guess so." I replied, standing up from the bed, glaring at my uncomfortable jeans lying on the floor.

"You don't have to put them back on." Axel said, making me arch an eyebrow.

I feel a dirty joke coming.

He stayed silent as he rolled out of the bed, walking over to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and threw them towards me, and that time, I actually caught it.

I smiled thankfully at him and slid them on, tying them the tightest they could go so they didn't fall down. I probably looked ridiculous wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that looked like a dress on me, but it was the most comfortable thing in the world.

"Here, my mom bought it for you." Axel announced, handing me a pink toothbrush that was still in its case.

I laughed taking the tooth brush out of his hand, following him into the bathroom. We brushed our teeth simultaneously, which felt quite odd, but Axel killed the awkwardness by making me laugh, toothpaste bubbles smeared all over his face.

We both walked downstairs due to me forcing Axel to make pancakes and him surprisingly complying.

"We need some tunes." I announced, walking over to the radio that sat on the counter.

"No Taylor Swift." Axel replied gruffly, setting a pan down on the stove. "Nina makes me listen to her too much."

I laughed as I sat down on a barstool at the kitchen island, getting a perfect view of Axel in front of me.

He was shirtless and he was cooking.

And if I must say, the food wasn't the only thing making my mouth water.

Oh, I'm fucking gross.

After some intense pancake flipping, breakfast was done and I couldn't of been more excited. Pancakes were a pure gift from heaven and I blessed whoever invented them. And surprisingly, Axel's pancakes tasted suspiciously good.

I guess cooking runs in the family.

"Wow, looks like you're not just a bunch of good looks after all." I teased, looking up at Axel.

He looked down at me, both eyebrows raised with his lopsided smirk. "Why do you sound so surprised?"

"I've never seen you make anything other then a bowl of cereal."

"Well I can't give away all my talents at once." He replied charmingly, the wink he threw my way making me laugh.

After we were finished eating, I tried to take our dishes to the sink, but he refused and made sit back down, which is why I highjacked his phone, curiosity getting the best of me.

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