Could You Love Me {XLI}

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"Oktober.... Oktober ... Oktober!"

A groan erupted from my lips as my hands rubbed my eyes, my vision clearing to find a giggling Nina.

"Axel's in his underwear!" She laughed, pointing to her older brother that was hanging halfway off the bed, deep in sleep.

"Wake him up." I smirked deviously.

Nina giggled once more, setting Chuck the Caterpillar down before her small feet padded around the bed, her tiny hands gripping one of Axel's, pulling him off the bed.

"Ow." Axel groaned, making both Nina and I laugh.

"How's the weather down there?" I smirked, looking at Axel's tired body lying on the floor.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" He slyly smirked, quickly pulling me off the bed to join him.

Nina let out a fit of giggles as I fell, before letting out a scream as Axel pulled her down as well.

Party on the floor.

After our lazy bodies got up, we got dressed, following Nina down the stairs.

The smell of french toast, fruit, eggs, and bacon filled our noses, making my mouth water.

Kate and Tammy were in the kitchen, cooking food for what looked like a whole army, while Rob and Eric sat on the couch, watching baseball. Alexander, Chase, Dean, and Archer were playing an intense game of scrabble and Imogen was showing Ella all her choices of prom dresses.

"What's the occasion?" Axel mused, kissing Tammy's cheek before pouring a glass of the freshly squeezed orange juice.

"We wanted to have a family breakfast." Tammy smiled. "Oktober also failed to mention how fantastic her Aunt is at cooking."

Kate smiled. "Don't flatter me, Tammy."

The both of them laughed, clinking their fancy glasses of mimosas together before taking a drink.

"Dear lord." I thought out loud, making Axel chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

"Hey O, Ella just said she likes the red dress too so looks like you can't wear red to prom!" Imogen squealed, and I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"Don't put me in you two's prom drama." Ella begged and I snorted.

"Flabbergasted is a word you twat!" Alexander shouted, his hands raised dramatically.

"Yeah but that's not how you spell it you idiot!" Dean retorted.

"I never thought I'd meet anyone with the same brain capacity as Dean." Archer stated, making all of us erupt with laughter.

"I won anyways, I told you nobody can be the Chasenator at Scrabble." Chase boasted.

"Says the one who's claimed he's dyslexic for his whole high school career." Imogen snorted and we all laughed again.

"Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Home run!" Eric shouted, highfiving my uncle as they stood in they're matching jerseys.

Who would've thought they'd be besties.

"Language around Nina hun!" Tammy scolded as her and Kate set the table.

"Sorry sweetie, but we're making it to the World Series." Eric grinned.

"Now that will be one heck of a game." Rob laughed.

"We'll see if we can get a day away from the wives and go together." Eric nudged him, making them both chuckle before receiving glares from 'the wives'.

"Everyone get a seat at the table!" Kate ordered, everyone jumping at the sight of all the delicious food.

Axel pulled a chair out for me and I smiled at him gratefully, before taking a seat. He sat down beside me, one of his hands resting on my thigh as everyone loaded their plates.

It was a miracle that all thirteen of us fit at the table.

"Not just yet!" Tammy scolded, lightly pushing Dean's fork away from his mouth, his piece of french toast falling back down to his plate making him pout. "We need to say grace."

"Dear lord, thank you for blessing us with this meal and allowing us to have this big ol' group we call family, also thank you for getting our team into the World Series." Eric said, making laughter go around the table and Tammy to glare at him. "Amen. Now let's eat!"


"Never thought I'd be at a high school party again." Alex thought as we walked into the large house that was vibrating from the loud music.

"I can't believe you dragged me here." Ella mumbled, making me snort.

"Oh come on El!" Imogen shouted, dragging her to the dancing mass of bodies.

"I much rather be alone with you, in my bed, preferably without clothes." Axel whispered in my ear, making me blush.

"Is that all you think about?" I teased, playfully shoving him away from me.

"Only when you wear that dress." Axel smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

His lips fell on mine and the same spark I felt from the first time he touched me sent tingles all throughout my body, a feeling I'd never get tired of.

"I love you." I smiled, looking up into those beautiful ocean eyes I'd found comfort in.

"I love you." He smiled back, kissing my forehead.

"Can you two love birds stop macking and come party!" Dean shouted, making Axel roll his eyes.

"Do you think it's going to be like this in college?" He mused, making me snort.

"Ten times worse than this." I stated, pulling him to the dance floor.

"As long as I'm with you, I won't mind." Axel said, his hands finding his way back to my hips as we danced.

"Promise?" I grinned.

"Promise." He confirmed, kissing my forehead. "Always."

I never thought it was possible, that I'd be loved. I never thought I could let anyone see me for who I truly was, but Axel made me, and I couldn't be happier.

Could You Love Me wasn't the question anymore.


A/N: Here we are, at the end again. I'm so unbelievably grateful for every single one of you who love this book! Like I mentioned, I wrote this YEARS ago, and the fact that it's starting to get more attention now is crazy!

Thank you all for reading so much! It means the world to me.

I wanted to post a bonus chapter but I didn't want to jump forward to the future .. just in there's talk about a .... SEQUEL!

Personally, I would love to write a sequel to this story, but it's only if you guys would want one. The sequel would defined be a lot more mature and perhaps even SPICY, but we will have to see!

Thank you all so much and until next time, whenever that may be, take care :)


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