Could You Love Me {XL}

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After our time at the beach, everyone walked to the boardwalk to get food, but I made up some excuse that I was feeling sick, so Axel and I walked back to the house.

"Let's see if there's medicine." Axel announced, opening cabinets, making me hold back my laughter.

"I'm not sick, Axel." I smirked, watching him turn around.

"You're not?" He questioned, an eyebrow arched until he understood the situation, a smirk of his own appearing.

He walked over to me, picking me by my thighs, making me squeal as he jogged up the steps.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Axel questioned seriously, setting me down on my feet once we were in our room.

"I'm sure." I replied, my bathing suit top hanging in my hand.

I watched his blue eyes darken, his large hand pulling me back to him, his lips crashing on mine. He brought us into the bathroom without breaking the kiss, turning on the water in the shower.

"You're sure?" He questioned again, his fingers laced with my swim suit bottoms.

"Yes." I smiled, finding it adorable that he was being so careful.

Axel kissed my lips, sliding both of our bottoms off, placing us in the shower.

"You have so much sand in your hair." Axel chuckled, pouring a crap ton of shampoo on my head.

"Axel!" I yelled, his laughter filling the bathroom as the glob of shampoo slid down my head.

After our shower, we dried off, Axel not wasting anytime in picking me up, laying me on the bed.

His lips met mine, trailing down my neck, making me moan.

"You really want to do this?" Axel questioned, his electrifying blue eyes looking over my flushed face.

I nodded flipping us over. "I really want to do this."


The sound of birds chirping and sunlight pouring through the window made me open my eyes, a smile stretching on my face as I remembered the events from last night.

My cheeks burned thinking about how intense it was. Axel made sure he was careful which was sweet, but it was still full of passion and sensual.

I turned around in Axel's grip, his mouth slightly was open with strings of his black hair hanging over his forehead.

He was so handsome.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I laughed, my fingers brushing his hair back.

"Good morning." He smirked, his muscular arm pulling my naked body closer to his. "How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic." I grinned, crawling on top of him.

"Oktober are you feeling better!?" Imogen yelled, banging on the door before walking in.

"Oh." She smirked and I groaned, burying my face in Axel's neck. "Looks like you are feeling better."

"Get out Imogen!" I yelled trying to be serious, but ended up laughing instead, it was typical her.

"Get dressed, we're going out for breakfast!" She sang, closing the door on her way out.

"That wasn't awkward." Axel chuckled, his hands brushing the loose strands of my hair behind my ear.

"With Imogen, it never is." I said, rolling off of him. "What do you say about another shower?"

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