Could You Love Me {XXXIX}

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- 3 months later -


"Axel I swear if you don't take this damn blindfold off-"

"Shh, we're almost there."

I huffed, feeling grass brushing against my ankles with every guided step I took. The slightly warm spring air blew my hair off my shoulders, and probably into Axel's face.

I'd laugh if I was able to see.

Axel's hands stopped me from walking and I felt him untying the blindfold, much to my relief.

I hated surprises.

"Surprise." He whispered, moving so I could see what all the hassle was about.

In front of me was a blanket laid out on the grass in front of a little river that led to a waterfall. There was a bag of food from the local diner we liked to eat at and pillows.

"Who knew you were a fluffy romantic." I grinned, pulling him down on the blanket with me.

"You bring out the best in me." Axel responded, making the both of us laugh.

"Is this a date Mr Dawson?" I teased, watching a shy smile encompass his lips, much out of his character.

"I believe it is Ms Blackwood."

I laughed as he shoved fries into his mouth, looking out toward the beautiful view. I don't know how long we sat there talking for, but it was long enough for the sky to turn to a pinkish hue as the sun set.

"You know," Axel began, his arms on either side of my head as he climbed over me."the sunsets pretty, but you're pretty .... ugly."

I snorted, hitting his chest, attempting to push him off, but his body didn't move.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding, you're more beautiful than I am, and I'm pretty beautiful."

I laughed again and that time he let out a chuckle, his head dipping down and placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"We should get going, before Imogen rips my head off." Axel whispered, his lips brushing against mine.

"Don't tell me you're scared of Imogen." I said, knowing Imogen's intimidating tendencies.

"Scared would be an understatement."


"It's spring break bitches!" Imogen hollered, practically running out of the school.

"Finally." I sighed, feeling tired after all the end of unit tests.

"Lighten up, in four hours we'll be sitting on the beach getting tan." Imogen exaggerated blissfully.

For spring break we all decided to spend it at the beach, which was the perfect way to kick off the start of all the hot weather to come. We had already loaded our bags the night before into the designated cars, Axel and I with Imogen and Chase, then Dean and Archer.

"There is a great possibility Archer and I will be stopping for food." Dean announced. "So don't lose us."

"We know." Imogen snorted, climbing into the passenger seat of her Jeep because we all agreed her driving four hours was a safety hazard.

"Wake me up when we get there." I said, collapsing on Axel once we were both in the back seat.

"Good luck trying to sleep with my awesome jam session that's about to happen." Imogen retorted, but once I felt Axel hands in my hair, I was out like a light.


"Wake up sleeping beauties, we're here." Imogen yelled, interrupting my surprisingly good sleep.

Axel groaned, getting out and stretching.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lay on you the whole ride." I apologized, climbing out of the Jeep.

"It's fine, I fell asleep too." Axel smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"This beach house is fucking insane!" Dean exclaimed, walking out the front door.

He wasn't lying, just from the outside you could tell it was a nice place.

"Aunt Kimmy is loaded, what can I say." Imogen smirked, jumping on Chase's back as we walked inside.

"Dean and Archer have the two rooms down stairs and then we have the two bedrooms upstairs." Imogen explained, still on Chase's back.

"We also need to go grocery shopping." Chase observed, looking in the empty fridge.

"Well you have fun with that, Arch and I are going to check out the babes." Dean smirked, looking out the living room windows that showed the back of the house, which was a fairly crowded beach.

"Really Archer?" Axel smirked from behind me, his head resting on top of mine. "So unlike you."

"Hey, I'm looking for a spring break wife, not a new girl each day unlike Dean." Archer smirked as Dean shrugged.

"The more the merrier."

I rolled my eyes at Dean. "How about we go to the beach now since we have an hour or two of sunlight left and then dinner on the boardwalk? We can go shopping tomorrow."

"Sounds good, now let's get dressed!" Imogen squealed, very excitedly.

She had been looking forward to spring break since school started and I felt bad that I couldn't match her energy.

Though I was trying, believe me.

"Which one?" We questioned each other at the same time, opening our suitcases to reveal our bikinis. We both laughed as I pulled out her red one and she pulled out my blue one.

"You look hot." I announced once we're dressed.

"No you look hot." Imogen retorted.

"Well you are hot."

"No you're hot."

"You're both hot, now can you two please come on." Dean shouted up the stairs.

"Did you just call our girls hot, Dean?" Chase joked.

I caught Axel's smirk as I walked down the stairs.

"My girl is hot." He said, his eyes staring me down, making me want to pounce on him.

We hadn't did the deed since Axel cared a lot about it. He said he wanted it to be special, since my sexual past was the complete opposite of special. But my needs could only hold off for so long. Personally, I felt fine and ready. Axel was nothing like Davidson or the other guy, and I trusted him one hundred percent, even when it came to my body.

My eyes fell on Axel's ripped torso. He was so in shape that I wanted to drool.

"Enough with the hotness, let's hit the beach." Archer spoke up, leading us out the back door.

"This is amazing." Imogen smiled, the hot but bearable sun beating down on us in it's last couple hours of being out.

"So amazing." I muttered, watching endless amounts of girls stare at Axel.

This was going to be a fun vacation.


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