Could You Love Me {XXXVII}

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I had missed nights like last night.

Ever since I could remember, every time I'd be upset Imogen and Alexander would be there to comfort me. Always.

Even Chase sometimes.

We would sit and eat a whole bunch of unhealthy food while watching my favorite movies, and it doesn't seem like a lot, but it always helped me in a way.

But I was still sad and face to face with a tired looking Axel, shivering from wind coming through the opened door as I stared at him, waiting for him to give me a valid reason to let him in.

"You need to hear me out."

I laughed, going to shut the door on him until his boot blocked it.

"I don't need to listen to you Axel. If I was just another one of your flings than it shouldn't be hard to let me go."

"God damn it Oktober, you aren't a fucking fling! Please let me in so I can explain." Axel snapped and I sighed as I opened the door further.

We both walked into the living room and I sat on the opposite end of the couch, silently waiting for him to speak.

"Danielle was my girlfriend. We dated freshman year and I liked her, a lot." Axel announced, a scowl on his face like he hated talking about it. "I thought she was great, but I was naive, young, and dumb. She never liked me half as much as I liked her, since she cheated on me with Brad several times throughout our relationship. I was hurt, badly. That's when I started to hate relationships, I started to think that every girl wasn't worth a single second of my time. I would mess with one then drop them and never talk to them again, that's how I earned my reputation. But please believe me when I say that my little relationship with Danielle when I was fifteen is nothing compared to what I have with you."

Axel sighed, running a hand through his hair before he continued.

"My intentions were to never have a 'fling' with you Oktober, I didn't even want to like you. I tried hating you with all I had, but I couldn't. Oktober, the way I feel for you is something I've never felt before, ever. You're so damn stubborn and hotheaded, but no girl has made me feel the way you make me feel, and I know for a fucking fact no one will. It's your choice whether you believe me or not but I sure as hell hope you do because I swear I won't let you go. That's why I want you to be my...girlfriend."

My jaw dropped as I stared at him, contemplating on pinching myself to see if he actually just said that or not.

There was a long silence as I tried to form words without sounding stupid, my mind racing at an intense speed.

"You have some balls to ask me out at this particular moment."

Axel simply shrugged, trying to hide the small smirk on his face.

"Yes." I answered, making his eyes widen for a mere second.



I couldn't see his face due to the fact that he was spinning me around, a laugh involuntarily leaving my mouth.

"I'm sorry." He said as he sat me down, his arms wrapping around my waist as he looked down at me.

"Just no more secrets?" I asked, making him nod as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"No more secrets." He agreed, before pushing his lips on mine.

My stomach erupted with those stupid butterflies, and my stupid arms started with that stupid tingling that only stupid Axel had ever made me feel.

Gosh this is so stupid.

But I love it.


"So now you guys are more than okay?" Imogen pushed, making me sigh.

"Yes Imogen, more than okay."

"Girlfriend though? Seriously?"

I believed Imogen was half joking, half serious.

I'll admit, I had left her in the dark with how I felt about Axel, her only going off of what she assumed. But it's always been clear to her that I had liked him, even before it was clear to me.

"Imogen, you know I wouldn't get into something like this if I wasn't sure about it. And you know Axel is absolutely nothing like Davidson. Complete opposites."

Imogen sighed, her long blonde hair swinging in it's ponytail as she sat back down on the couch.

"I know I know. I just want my best friend to be safe that's all. You're happy, I'm happy."

I smiled, hugging her, shortly being interrupted by Alexander.

"So Dawson kid breaks your heart and now you're his girlfriend. Is that how we do things?" Alexander questioned as he walked down the stairs.

"He didn't break my heart Alex, we had a falling out. Which I'm sure you and Ella have due to your dumbass." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Alexander could be sweet if I needed it or if he wanted to, but his large ego could only handle sweetness in small doses.

It wouldn't be Alex if he wasn't an ass.

"Ha ha."

"So you're telling me you two still haven't, you know, bam-bam in the bed?" Imogen questioned, causing a laugh to escape me as Alexander made a horrified face.

"I'm leaving." He stated, practically running up the stairs. "And your sexual analogies are horrible Immy."

"What? It was a serious question." Imogen scoffed, tossing her hands in the air.

"Yeah now is not the time Im." I whispered, making her sigh.


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