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My name is Piper Hayes.
My faction of origin is Candor.

My story begins on a cool day, I waited in one of five very long lines in front of our school building. There was ours; Candor the truthful, those who seek truth in favor of lies. and then you had the other four, Abnegation the selfless, Amity the kind (banjo strumming softies.), Erudite the intelligent, and Dauntless the brave. Ever since I was little I dreamed of becoming one of the Dauntless. I used to watch in awe of there bravery and over zealous appearance. Today was the day I find out if my dream will come true.

I stood in line next to my older twin brother, Peter. He was a jerkface. Plain and simple. I watched as he picked on an abnegation boy asking him where all the food was going, I cleared my throat. I was a girl of few words but when I did talk it was usually to defend people that Peter picked on. "Peter." I said he was still going at it as I saw a thin faced blonde abnegation girl try to step up to him, another abnegation, presumably her brother pulled her back. "Peter Hayes!" I said fuming when he pushed the boy. My dark brown eyes cutting into his when he finally looked at me. "What do you want runt?" he asked. I shoved him. And he stumbled backwards, almost tripping. "Leave them alone. Rumors are lies."

He looked down at me anger in his own eyes. "You would know all about lies wouldn't you, Piper?" I glared at him. "We'll settle this at home." I hissed. He kept doing little things to try and rile me up again I ignored him and smiled at the abnegation boy. When my name was called my heart started to race and my palms clammed up. My mouth was dry and I fidgeted with the zipper on my black and white jacket.

"Hayes, Piper." an abnegation woman called in a passive tone. Their faction Were a bunch of push overs, they were trained to just chill and do what other people told them to do because they weren't supposed to think of themselves.

I slowly walked into the room she led me to. It was plain with mirrored walls. The only thing that made the room interesting were the dentist's chair in the center and the computer to the right. The woman was older with graying brown hair that was in a simple bun at the back of her head. She had big brown eyes which seemed familiar somehow, she wore a simple modest crew neck dress with long sleeves. When she turned her back to me I barely caught the very tip of a tattoo, suggesting she was a former Dauntless member. "My name is Natalie Prior, I'll be in charge of your aptitude test." she said in a calming voice I nodded as I sat in the chair. She handed me a small glass with a blue liquid in it. The liquid was the aptitude serum. 'Here it goes.' I thought as I downed it wincing when it hit the back of my throat.

I open my eyes to find I was in the same room. The only difference in this one was the lack of a computer to my right. I walk around the room looking at myself in the mirrors. Which projected infinitely into themselves. I was an average looking girl, thin with brown eyes an angular face, freckles covering the bridge of my thin nose. My long curly dark brown hair fell just past my shoulders. I normally keep it up with a pen like I had today, my clothes were black and white. Black leggings a white T-shirt and my old beaten Converse. I looked like normal and then my reflection blinks. It was an action so small if I had blinked or looked away, I would have missed it. I looked at her squinting as she says, "choose." when she speaks it isn't my voice, this was the voice of an older woman, it was cold and sharp. I looked around, "choose what?" I asked. "Choose." she pointed to a table. The table held a knife, cheese, and meat. I was indecisive, I could choose a knife but for what? Or the meat. But I am not touching raw, probably contaminated, meat. I guess I took too long because the voice that came from my reflection said, "Time's up." the table vanishes and I hear a low growl followed by a vicious bark. I turn around and saw a mangy, rabid dog. 'I have to stay calm.' I thought.

Humans release chemical pheromones when we're scared, when faced with a predator the predator can literally smell fear. The pheromone acts as a trigger for the predator to attack. I closed my eyes and got level with the dog. Breathing slowly as I did so to keep my heart rate steady.

What happens next is a miracle. The dog that was only seconds ago planning on eating me for lunch was now a cute pup. I reached out and patted his head calling him a cute pud pud. "Puppy!" I heard a little girl yell. The cute pup turned into the beast and chased after the girl. Without thinking I took off sprinting towards the girl. I grabbed her and used my body as a shield. I was waiting to feel the pain I expected from the dog's jaws. It never came and I stood up. Dusting myself off. I was on a bus. There was a man at the back, he was frantically asking if anyone knew the man in the picture. He came up to me and asked if I knew him. He was dressed in factionless clothes and wreaked of alcohol and grunge. "Have you seen this man?" I. Shook my head. "Have you seen him before!? Please you could save my life!" my face heated up. "I said no." he kept on until my fists were clenched and my face was an angry shade of red. "I SAID NO!" I yelled.

I bolted upright in the chair. Sweat dripping off my chin. Taking a deep greedy breath. My breathing was hard almost spastic. "You have to go." I looked at Natalie. Her face was etched in concern, "what? why? What was my score?" I asked she took a deep breath trying to stay calm. "Dauntless," I sighed before she finished. "And abnegation and Erudite." I shook my head. "That's impossible the test is supposed-" "the test is wrong!" she snapped. "I don't. Understand." I said gripping my sides. "They call it divergent, its very dangerous, you have to go right now. I'll manually enter you in as Candor, you can't tell anyone about this do you understand?" Natalie looked shaken. "Yes ma'am." I said as I got up to leave. I decided to get off a stop early and walk home. I liked how busy our sector was, like a hive of black and white bees, all working in unison. All telling each others secrets. I wasn't going to choose Candor. They are too transparent for me. The are not my faction. As I neared my house I took a moment to take in the sunlight and the sky. The way the light refracted off of the glass windows, the warmth and natural light. Those were the only things I was going to miss, my dad wasn't a priority, he only cared about Peter, because peter 'never' lied. My mother was always gone at her job as Jack Chang's personal secretary. I only saw her in comings and goings and she'd ignore all of us. She only cared about herself.

I stayed in my room for most of the night. I sat reading an old book to pass the time. Instead of knocking Peter came in and flopped onto my bed. He and I get along for the most part. Its when he picks on the proverbial little guy. "Hey Pete." I say as I put my book down. "Are you ready for the ceremony?" he asked. "Honestly, I'm nervous, what was your score?" I asked him. "Dauntless." I nodded. "I scored Dauntless too." his head perked up, "no way. I expected you to get Erudite!" he said looking at me to see if I was joking.

"You're serious." he said in disbelief. I nodded "as a heart attack." I said smiling. "I've heard stories about Dauntless, are you sure you'll be okay?" he asked concerned. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just gotta get into better shape." Peter laughed, I was pretending to not Abe able to touch my toes. Truth was I was my brother's sparing partner so I was in good shape, he practices fighting every day at 10:30 am.

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