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He backed away from me just as soon as this happened. “Get out of here initiate. Now!” he barked as he ran a hand through his hair, which, as always was slicked back with product. “What are you standing around i? Go!” he barked again. I did as I was told and found the rest of my friends still inside the pit. I tried to look inconspicuous, but nothing would stop the pounding in my chest or the redness in my cheeks. Will asked what was wrong, “nothing I’m okay, just had a run in with Peter.” which wasn’t a lie, I though I was safe telling a half truth. “You lie.” Christina nudged me. “Who was it? Was it a boy? What is his name?” I was peppered with girl questions. “Stop, stop, stop. There wasn’t a boy, I’m not even remotely attracted to anyone here.” I said standing up. “Calm yourself Piper, we were kidding.” said Tris. I shook my head, “right, sorry. I’m just so tired, I’ve been up all night worrying about everything.” I said not having to feign the exhaustion.

Eric avoided me for the rest of the day.

The next day was visiting day. I wasn’t excited at all, I was in fact having a minute freak out. I couldn’t stop shaking and I felt like I was constantly about to launch. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears and my mouth went dry. My father was with my brother in the same compound, and they both were out to get me. I slowly walked out into the pit on the way to go to the cafeteria for cake. My heart seemed to quicken with every step I took. I thought I made it when I heard my name called by a familiar voice, “Piper!” I turned around to see Peter pulling our father through the crowd. I pushed through the sea of people at the last moment, trying to go somewhere they wouldn’t follow. I didn’t want to see the reason I defected, he still haunted my troubled dreams and thatwas enough. I ran until I ran into a person. I was hauled up by my forearms. The person was Eric. Great. I mumbled an apology before trying to wrench free of his grasp. “Let me go please.” I begged. He looked down at me just when I heard my father’s voice.

  “There you are Piper darling.” my father put on a fake smile. “Get away from me. Both of you.” I growled. I had no idea I was pressing into Eric. All I could focus on was the man responsible for my mental health problems. “Come on Pip, be nice you haven’t seen dad in a while.” Peter said coming closer. “I know, and now is too soon.” I said, an edge creeping into my voice. As soon as they got closer their faces began to glitch.

     This isn’t real.

I closed my eyes and started to breathe in through my nose and exhaling slowly out of my mouth. I hummed to myself a lullaby my grandma used to sing to me, and when I opened my eyes I was back in the examination room. “Nice timing Piper. Ten minutes.” Four said actually surprised. I smiled “thanks.” I walked out, my breathing was still shaky, I felt eyes on me as I was returning to the sleeping quarters.

   I quickened my pace as I felt them staring at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and a hand over my mouth. I screamed into the hand as I bit it. I tried kicking at the person but that didn’t work. “Stop moving or I’ll throw you off.” it was Peter. I began to thrash and bite. The hand was removed from my mouthand I started screaming profanities that would make a dauntless blush. “Shut up.” I was backhanded, I could see where they were taking me, they were taking me to the chasm bridge. I saw that they also had an unconscious blonde girl with them. “Tris! Tris Prior wake up! Tris!” I yelled. “I swear to God Peter, if I get out of this I’ll beat you with you’re own arm!” I said in the mix of swears. I heard a deep voice barking from down the hall. I was shoved off the bridge only holding on by a few fingers.

    All I could thing about was Tris. I tried to pull myself up to arm pits. “Tris!” I yelled, she was still out, my fingers were slipping, I didn’t want to give up just yet. I held tighter to the bridge, willing my fingers to hold on. But they slipped. I embraced my fate, I felt my other hand give out on me. I was halted in mid fall by a big hand around my small wrist. I looked up at non other then Eric Coulter. He pulled me to safety, holding me to his chest. Tris was gone, so were my attackers. “Are you okay Piper?” he asked. I looked up at him, he had worry written all over his face. I nodded. “I’m fine, Tris. Is she okay?” I asked showing worry of my own. “Four has her.” his breath was warm and minty.

     He cupped my face with his large hands, staring into my dark brown eyes. And then the most unexpected thing happened, his lips were on mine, caressing them softly with his. The kiss was so gentle, sweet almost like he thought I was fragile. I was in total shock, I hadn’t ever thought my first kiss would be this intoxicating, but yet, here I am. Melting into Eric on the chasm bridge, kissing him back.

  He pulled away resting his forehead on mine. “I’ve wanted to do that sine the first week of training.” he said panting. All I could do was smile, I knew I was a deep shade of red, my cheeks were on fire. “That was my first kiss.” I said still riding the high of my euphoria

Pit Viper: a Divergent FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now