Battle scars

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I laid awake in my bed at amity, counting the cracks in the ceiling and the stars in the sky from my open window. It had been a month since the whole ordeal and I had to learn to cope with less sleep.

I wondered if Eric missed me, or if he was plotting to take me back to head quarters and kill me in front of his fellow Erudite loyal Dauntless. I secretly hoped for the latter

My heart still ached for him, despite the fear that he evoked from me now, I missed him so bad I found myself cuddling pillows and dreaming of Eric. "Piper?" I opened my puffy eyes. I had been crying in my sleep, I silently cursed myself while looking to see who it was. It was Tris. "Oh. Hey Tris." I said trying to sooth my hair down.
"You were crying again. Did you dream about him?" she asked I nodded. "I can't stop." I whimpered. It wasn't fair. Eric made me feel. He ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. He was totally fine, I was trash to him. Genetically impure trash. And he was probably going to kill me because of that.

I got to work in the fields, which proved to be a good distraction from thinking about Eric. I had to remind myself that he thought I was a genetic impurity, that I was trash, but still my thoughts circulated around him. I was digging holes, planting things, the Amity business, when Erudite loyal Dauntless tore through the fields. I sprinted to the stables, Four, Tris, and Peter where there. "Up to the loft, Go now they're here!" I said pushing peter in front of me. I watched silently from an over hang as Eric strode in. He checked everywhere in the lower floor of the stables. And then my idiot brother shouted, "HEY ERIC WE'RE UP HERE!" I could have sworn he saw me as I knocked Peter out. We ran, trekking through forest, I swore as I was hit with twigs and branches.

We were in Candor. Home. Christina ran up and hugged us, "have you heard anything from Will?" she asked. "No, I haven't, we've been in amity for a while." I tell her, we were welcomed with cold hard stares and the truth serum. I went first. "Tell me your name." Mr. Kang said.

"Piper Hayes."

"who are your parents?" I cleared my throat. "Donna Switzer Hayes and Joshua Hayes."

"what was your former faction?"

"Candor, I transferred to Dauntless."

"Are you or have you ever been in contact with Jeanine Matthews?"

"No sir." I answer truthfully.

"did you harm anyone?" I looked up at him, trying to fight the Sim. "The more you fight the more painful the serum gets, you should know this. I finally blurted, "I shot one of my best friends in the arm and tied him up with zip ties. I said breathing out heavily. "What was his name?" Mr. Kang asked. "W-Will, he was a former Erudite."

Now Christina won't speak to me, I was out on a balcony with Tris when I hear Uriah shout a greeting. "Hey Uriah." I said smiling. We talked for a minute before we we're under attack. I didn't have a gun, neither did Tris. "Holy Fuck!" I yelled. We were ambushed by a mob of frightened candor, I was shot in the side, I fell down gasping for air but quickly played dead. I Tris was shot too, but she also got up. "Their hunting divergents."

I said wincing. A little girl came down the stairs. "Mommy?" I looked at her, Tris told her to hide, we made a brake for the weapons locker. Uriah was divergent too. Uriah tried busting the lock with a fire extinguisher. He didn't even make a dent when I heard a familiar voice, my heart leaped into my throat, Eric walked into the room. "Look who decided to show up." he got around the corner and then stopped dead in front of me, "its good to see you again." he said, I stood protectively in front of my two friends. "Don't hurt them."

I said, giving him a determined look. "P-please." I said. "Oh sweetheart we're not gonna hurt you. We're just gonna run some tests." he cuffed us and lined us up, the little girl from upstairs was with us. Eric began scanning us. He shot a little boy. I fell on my back, thinking of an exit strategy, when he came to the little girl however, I threw myself up and tackled him sliding his head in between my arms, I squeazed as hard as I could, he wrapped his hands loosely around my neck, I stopped when he looked right into my eyes, which were brimming with tears.

His eyes were uncertain, "Eric, enough, we still have testing to do." he scanned me, "Divergence 99%" the scanner chimmed. He sat back on the balls of his feet.

"You almost got lucky Ms. Hayes." Eric said, the way he said Ms. Hayes instead of Piper gutted me.
He didn't care about me at all, he didn't deserve to see my hurt. I quickly regained what little composure I had, throwing on my best poker face.

They took us.

I spent what felt like years tied to a lab table, without any kind of contact with Tris or my other friends. No one came for me, except for the doctors who said nothing and took pints of blood from my body. The door opened and two familiar men came in.

I did not expect the tables to turn, Eric and Peter stood in front of me, Eric looked rough like he hadn't slept very well or at all for that matter. Peter looked just as Bad, I licked my chapped lips nervously as I heard shouting, "Hurry it up Hayes it looks like we got company." Peter chuckled as he cut the last strap, he then plunged a needle into my neck and with in seconds I went numb and paralyzed. Eric scooped me into his arms and they ran out of this horrible place.

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