Bad news: Good feeling

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Eric had us fight. It was two days into training when things started to happen.

Christina crawled to the side of the mat. Already Molly Atwood had bloodied her nose and I could tell she would be bruised tomorrow. Eric looked pissed. “Alright lets everybody take a break. Follow me.” I helped Christina up. We followed Eric out of the training room. He was taking us to the pit. He stopped in front of me snaking a hand to the small of Christina’s back. He made it to where I was walking behind them. He was asking if she was okay, I felt like something bad was going to happen. As we neared the bridge over the chasm, Eric pushed Christina off only holding onto her by her wrist, he had a look in his eye that reminded me of the feral dog from the aptitude test, only his held much more malintent then the dogs. I stepped forward.

   “You have three choices, let go and die, concede and become factionless, or hold on and stay in dauntless." I made my way forward. “This is stupid. I thought you were a leader?” I said glaring at him. “I suggest you go back to the line like the rest of the initiates.” he looked at me with narrowed eyes. “What happens if I say no? You can’t do this you know, this isn’t right. This is psychotic.” I said louder with confidence in my voice. I mentally high fived myself. I sounded braver than I felt. “Get back to the line initiate.” I crossed my arms and held my chin up looking directly into his blue eyes. “No.” he moved to step on Christina’s fingers. “I’d listen if I was you.” Eric said. “If you’re mad at me punish me, don’t take it out on anyone else.” I said not breaking eye contact. “Time.” Eric called. He grabbed my arm and dragged me behind him. I was still glaring at Eric. Well, more like
The back of his head. “You should have listened to me the first time initiate.” I only said.

    “My name is Piper.” we were back in the training room. He shoved my back into a target. “Stand here and let me practice my throw.” he said patting my cheek. I scowled at him. I was used to getting things thrown at me. I hardly ever flinch. He threw the first knife. It landed next to my fingers. I never looked away from him. It was easy for me not to flinch if I focused on something other than the thrown object. He threw another one, it sailed away from his hand and stuck into the plastic right next to my knee. “Had enough sweetheart ?” I smirked at him. “Shut up and throw the last knife.” he threw in just above my head. He stood there mad as ever, unable to grasp how I was doing it. I shook my head. “I joined Dauntless so I could learn how to stand up to people like you.” I said eyes narrowed.

The next day I avoided Eric. I didn’t know just how mad I made him, and he seemed to be the type to hold grudges. Tris was up to fight, she would be fighting Peter. I watched nervously tapping my toe. He beat her up and knocked her down, but she still kept getting back up. I was proud, she was a strong willed fighter, she showed so much potential. And then Peter knocked her out. Eric called it as someone dragged her to the infirmary. I jogged to help them with her,  “Piper! On the mat. Lets go!” Eric yelled I turned around, my brother was still on the mat.

    Eric grinned maniacly as I gingerly stepped up to the mat. My throat was dry and my palms were sweating, I could already feel the bruises was going to have. I got into a stance. He moved to punch me, I dodge and go for his throat the way we did in Candor. He stumbled back and I tackled him punching his face a couple times before he threw me off. I bounced back up on my feet and dodged just in time for another punch. It was dragging out and I could here the fake yawns coming from Eric. I took my elbow and jabbed it into Peter’s stomach.

     Lights out. Peter was out like a light. Someone dragged him off the mat. I was walking down my shoulders slumped as everyone stared, the guilt that I felt was heavier when I walked out ofthe training room. I hurt my brother. The boy who made sure I was okay everyday after school, the boy that held me when I cried. I felt horrible. Four congratulated me. I got patted on the back and high fived, but I still felt horrible.

   I walked into the infirmary just as he was leaving, he looked at me with the same eyes he gives his competition. A Seething look that seemed to magnify my guilt I tried to speak but all that came out was a squeak. I waited for peter to pass before I walked to the pit. I looked into the chasm, trying to block out my thoughts. “You’re not going to jump are you?” I looked over my shoulder. I glared at him As I stood up. “I hope you’re happy.” I said as I walked closer to him anger darkening my vision. “Because my brother won’t talk to me anymore.”  he caught me by my wrist. "You don’t have a brother.” he said. I tried to yank my hand out of his grasp. “Peter Hayes. My brother is Peter. You can’t tell the resemblance?” I yanked once more and lost my footing. I slipped and was about to fall into the chasm. “Careful Piper this is not the place to horse around." I felt a arm around my waist, I opened my eyes to stare into icy blue eyes. Eric held me inches from falling. I could smell a hint of pine and something earthy, the smell was deliciously intoxicating, it filled me and made my heart race, I felt weak in the knees and nervous.

   My stomach fluttered giving a pleasant feeling. I wanted to stare into those blue eyes. Forever getting lost in them gave me a thrill. "Like what you see?” Eric said setting me upright. And just like that, the moment was gone. I frowned at him as I crossed my arms. “Shut up Eric.” I said as his hand lingered on my waist I could feel his warmth, it comforted me. My face was blazing as he slowly removed his arm. I was now back in cold reality with a sadist. I had to remind myself that he was bad news, but how could bad news make me feel that good? I dropped my head, profusely apologized and practically ran off to the sinks. I splashed water on my face trying to force myself to think rationally.

             He was bad news.

Pit Viper: a Divergent FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now