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The final test was here. I sat in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot, I sat by Uriah and Marelen. I couldn't talk all I could do was stare. What if they found out? What if 'he' found out? I am completely and totally fucked. If Eric finds out I'm divergent he'll probably kill me, I disgusted myself, why couldn't I be normal? Why couldn't I not be a freak? My name was called and I slowly walked into the room my hands shook and my arms felt like limp useless noodles. I laid back in the chair, closing my eyes as I was injected.

I opened my eyes to be hanging off the chasm bridge, everyone was there, all the transfer initiates, Uriah, Zeke, Lynn, Marlene, and most shocking of all Eric. He walked forward, and stepped on my fingers, I cried out in pain, I pleaded with him not to, he gave me a cold, emotionless smile. "You should have trusted your instincts." he said. I fell into nothingness, trying to calm my heart rate down. I opened my eyes, I was back in my house at candor.

It was dim in the house, I could here something breathing in the room. I turned around to see my father. "Hello Darling." I stiffened. He held the piano string he used to beat me with, I stood firm in his face as he beat me, I grabbed the string and choked him with it, tears streaming down my face, my heart rate sped up and my breaths came in gasps I killed him

I bolted upright in the chair, sweat dripping down my face taking greedy gasps of air. The dauntless cheered for me I smiled walking out of the room.

I was rocking on the balls of my feet as I waited to find out my rank. Eric was nowhere to be seen, and I was thankful for that, I didn't want him to see me fidgeting and biting my nails. "And without further adue, the ranks!" I heard Max's voice over the crowd. I craned my head to see that I had ranked second, above Peter.

Tris was first and Uriah was fourth. I jumped up and down high fiving as many people that would high five me, I was grabbed by the shoulder and spun roughly around. Big arms were around my waist and soft lips were pressed to mine, Eric held me tight like it was the last time we'd see each other again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back softly.

I screwed everything up by saying the L word.

As a result, he kissed me again this time, harder with greedy need, I could tell I was forgiven or even reciprocated.

Later that night I laid awake for hours, thinking about Eric. I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep, only to be awoken by bed springs groaning and shuffling. I sat up and looked around. Something was wrong with this picture. As I began to focus more I noticed all the initiates were moving in unison, everyone but one familiar blonde girl at the back, our eyes met. She mouthed one word, a word that sent a wave of panic through me, 'Sim.' I nodded and noticed I didn't have time to change my clothes.

Luckily I slept int the same clothes I wore yesterday. I followed the crowd of dauntless zombies. I picked up a gun and I walked with them to the trains.

I rode in a different train than Tris, I was inwardly panicking, what if I screwed up? Would I die today? Or would I be used as a test subject? Where was Eric? What would he do to me if he found out my secret? I did the best I could do, following the Dauntless crowd off the train and into the bleak abnegation sector.

I watched in horror as the zombie dauntless sheparded men, women, and children into the middle of the sector. They were lining them up, a kill line.

I continued to stare straight ahead, I was stopped by Eric. 'oh hell, I'm fucking screwed.' "Can they hear us?" he asked Max. "They can, but they don't process it the same way we do." he said, he spotted Four and Tris. Four was beside me, Eric was about to shoot Four, Tris aimed her gun at Eric, Max had a gun aimed at Four and one at Tris, and Four aimed at Max.

I aimed at max also. "You won't shoot me," Eric and Max said to Tris and I. "Oh really?" I said shooting the arm that held his gun max dropped it and screamed in agony as just before Tris could shoot Eric I jumped in front of her gun. "Don't." I said pleading, I turned around and looked at the disgusted look on Eric's face, that said enough, no words were needed.

"Come on! Go!" I said pushing Tris. Together with Four we ran looking for Tris's parents. We were caught. Jeanine patted my cheek, "I knew you were going to be trouble, its a shame really, your brother will have to suffice."

"Let them go." I said in a stern voice. "Let them go and take me." I pleaded. She smiled a small cold smile. "You know as well as I do you're all threats. You have to be eliminated." I growled and fought against the person holding me, "oh don't worry, it will be quick and painless." she said. If growing up in Candor taught me anything its how to spot a lie, and she just lied right through her bleached teeth.

I was shoved in a car, as we drove off I caught Eric's eye, a single tear rolled down my face as we drove off. He still had the same expression on his face, like he was at war with himself, and he couldn't figure out which side to follow.

It was a while before we were dragged out of the car. Tris and I were in the same vehicle, we were pulled into a strange room, it was all cement with a box in the center, Tris was thrown into the box I was with her, the box began to fill with water, "Tris what do we do?" I asked. I removed my jacket to try and plug the pipe that was letting all the water in, which was useless. "Tris, you've been the best friend I ever had." I say as I succumbed to my panic attack. The box was almost completely filled. I was slowly counting down the minutes as my heart beat slowed down when I felt a searing pain in my arm, I saw the blood leaking from my upper arm. 'What the hell?' and then a line streaked through the water. 'Bullets.' the glass broke and I slid out with it my tank top and jeans were completely soaked, I regretted taking my jacket off now, but there was no time, we had to go. I pulled Tris up with me as we ran to Natalie Prior, her mother. We were going to abnegation safe house.

Bullets began to fly I grabbed the gun of a felled dauntless and aimed. I stopped when I saw who it was, "Will!" I yelled when he didn't answer I shot his forearm, hoping he'd dropped his gun, and drop he did, I pistol whipped him and caught his tall body as Tris leaned over her mother. Natalie was dead, another casualty of an unnecessary war.

"Tris! Tris we have to go!" she stood up wiping her hands on her pants. He face said 'broken' but I knew she was strong. She helped carry Will into the safe house. As we walked in I barked at a random boy to get me some zip ties for Will. "When he wakes up he'll be angry. Explain to him that Piper Hayes did this so he doesn't think you did it." I went with Tris, her father, her brother, and Marcus Eaton to the dauntless compound.

It was easy getting in, I took down two guards, it began to get easier for me as the initial shock subsided. I didn't have time to feel anything, I had to protect Tris. We found Peter. "Why are you awake?" Tris and I said in unison, "because I'm smarter than you and they need me." he phrased it like a question. "Let us into the control room Peter." I said. "How about no." he said, I glared at him, I pointed my gun at him. "You won't shoot me."

I pointed my gun towards his foot and pulled the trigger. He yelped in pain. "People need to stop underestimating us." I said to Tris. She nodded.

Tris cleared the Sim, and we high tailed it to amity. Bringing my bother along.

That night we were welcomed to amity and were allowed to sleep in the initiation hall. I didn't sleep. I couldn't, everytime I close my eyes I see Eric's face riddled with disgust, I was right not to tell him, he would have killed me. He probably wasn't even looking for a relationship, he probably wanted to manipulate me.

Its for the best.

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