butter knives

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    I couldn't distract myself from thinking about him, he filled my thoughts, the rest of the evening. We were told to go to the tracks, I ran across the tracks after the train I see someone running behind me. Tris ran up almost as soon as I got in, I hauled her in. I tried to hide behind Will as Eric made his was to Tris. "Who let you out?" he asked her, she had her hair down, letting it flow around her. "I did." she said. Eric gave her a not bad look, then his eyes roamed to mine, a small smirk on his pink lips, he winked at me as he and Four chose teams.

   I was on Four's team, he had me Chris and Tris run to the flag. I stayed on the lower level to make sure no one got in that wasn't on my team. I stood In the doorway, I felt something poke into my back. "Surprise." I heard Eric's voice in my ear low and almost purring. I swallowed hard. I took a few deep breaths and turned around to face him. "Hello Eric."

I cringed at how weak I sounded. "Move." he said. I acted like I was going to move but I pivoted and stole his gun. He fell in the process and I pointed my gun at his chest. He looked at me baffled. "Shocked?" I said and smiled as I heard my team cheer. Eric looked angry but I didn't care. I held my hand out to him. He looked at me strange like I was going to harm him in some way. The look quickly vanished when he noticed I was studying it. He took it as I pulled him up. I held my hand up for a high five, "Good game?" I offered. He just left me hanging pissed that he didn't win. What a baby. Back at the compound word of me and Tris got to the dauntless Born's. Uriah Pedrad offered to take us to do dauntless things. Zip lining. Uriah secured my straps, "you got this Piper." he noticed I was kind of shaking. "Thanks URIAH!" I say as I was shoved. I was screaming, eyes closed out of fear, but then I opened my eyes. My breath was taken from me as I looked around me, the moon I had missed so much was overhead shining down on the glass city. It was beautiful, like looking at a photograph.

Back in the compound I ran into a drunken Eric he walked up to me, and looked at my windblown hair. He bit his lip as he watched me leave slowly in a creepy way. I did not like drunk Eric.

As soon as I  passed him I went to the tattoo shop. I decided it was time.
I was browsing the template wall when something caught my eye. Tribal wings. I picked the template and handed it to Tori. The one who did Tris' tattoo's. "Are you sure you want to get a tattoo?" she asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, I figured its time." and so I laid on the table with my shirt around my neck laying on my belly. "All done. You wanna look?" she asked. I nodded. She handed me a mirror and I looked at the one she held in her hand. "Wow," was all I could say. It started a little above my shoulder blades, and the tips of the wings met the dimples in my back. I slid my shirt on and thanked Tori.

I woke up to screaming. I bolted up from my bunk looking for the sound. Edward was laying on the floor, everyone was panicking, in the chaos one person remained calm watching the sight before them, smugly. My eyes met his and I will never forget how my brother looked at me that night. I ordered someone to get help. I put my hands on a screaming Edward's shoulders as I noticed the butter knife in his eye. "Edward, calm down okay, you'll be fine. Everything's fine. Its okay," Four and Eric arrived soon after the medics took Edward away. I had blood all over me, I felt sick looking at it, I ran into the wash rooms and turned the sink on scalding hot water came on and I scrubbed, I scrubbed for a long time, but I still felt unclean. I took deep shuddering breaths, 'how could he do this? What has gotten into him?' I thought as I continued to scrub. "Piper? Piper!" I was pulled away from the sink I saw blood on my arms still, the skin was swollen around it and red. I was escorted into the infirmary as well.

The next day I was put under questioning. I was pulled aside from training by Eric. Much to my annoyance. "What do you want? I'm trying to train." I said in a tired voice. He grabbed my arm and forced me out and down a strange hall. He slammed be up against the wall. "Did you do it?" I looked at him.  "Did I do what?"
"You know what I'm talking about Piper be serious." he said. I looked him in the eye. "Did I knife Edward?" I said eyes narrowed. "No i did not. Why don't you go ask Peter." I said with hate in my tone. "Unlike some people I do not take pleasure, in hurting innocent people." I said walking back to the training room.
"Piper wait," I turned around. "Yeah?"  he rubbed the back of his neck a slight hint of redness in his cheeks. "Just, watch yourself." but as soon as he said that he straightened his back, all of the softness in his tone disappeared and he walked back into the training room.

Edward was removed from the board. He was factionless now. I looked at the score board in mild shock, I was right under Uriah, who was just under Peter. I am most likely his next target, I could handle myself against Peter, we used to box for fun and training in Candor. He was good but I used my small frame to my advantage.

We moved from fighting to throwing knives and shooting. I stood in between Tris and Chris. Tris was really good at throwing. I threw the last knife in my hand without looking at the board. I smiled as it left my fingers. I heard the thud of it sticking itself to the board. It landed in the throat. I smiled as Christina said, "remind me never to get on your bad side." I laughed. "Your throwing is sloppy initiate." Eric said in my ear causing me to miss and hit the wood next to the target. He put his hands on my hips turning me slightly so I stood at more of an angle. My breath hitched as his fingers brushed a strip of skin that he managed to find, just above my hip bone. His hand lingered there, before he slowly pulled away. My heart was beating wildly and my face was flushed. I threw another knife. It stuck. I really didn't see the difference in the two. I was doing just fine, so why had he corrected me?

Tris stood in front of a target. Four threw knives at her. Much like Eric had me do, she didn't even flinch once. But he took points from her.
Shooting a gun was hard for Tris. I was having trouble myself. I was always close but never dead on. Four was out with us because Eric had official leader biz to attend to. He's probably throwing knives at puppies. We stopped for lunch, I was picking at the chicken on my plate, not really wanting to think about the up coming visiting day. Dad was sure to visit Peter, he always remembered Peter, and I'm glad he forgot I was there, it made it easier on myself. I felt eyes on my from across the table, I look over at Peter who was staring at me, I looked away as the guilt resurfaced. I excused myself and left the cafeteria. I was followed. After being ignored for two weeks. "Pip. Wait up." I looked at him so he could see the tired look on my face, "I'm sorry Peter." I said. I could feel myself unraveling. All my feelings came out at once. I felt an arm over my shoulders, arm it was urging me forward.

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