Chapter Fifty-Amber

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It's Eva & Justin's Wedding Day...

I spent the night at Eva's last night as did her mum,dad and sister's...Justin spent the night with Russ at our place.

I hear Eva vomiting in the bathroom again..all morning she's been like this

Eva...girl are you okay?" I ask as I knocking on the bathroom door

"Yeah babe...just nerves I think...can you ask me mum to do me some dry toast or something please?" She groans

Fucking hell...gotta be some shitty luck to be sick on your wedding day!!

"Sure right back" I tell her and leave her bedroom

Making my way downstairs see pop's in the kitchen and he's all decked out in his suit,I let out a wolf whistle "Oooooo pop's look at you looking all dapper in your suit" I sing

He grins and fixes his cravat "I know,I make this shit look good" he winks "Where's our Eva?" He asks

I smile sadly at him "She's in the bathroom in her room,poor cow's been vomiting all morning" I tell him "Eva's just asked me to ask ava if she'll make her some dry toast,where is ava in the living room?" I ask him and he nods

As I enter the living room ava is talking through holly's social story that Eva had made specially for her and Abby...she had one made for Kieron and Brandon too so they can cope better throughout the day....

"Excuse me Ava?" I ask "when you've gotta minute Eva wants to know if you can make her some dry toast please? She's been vomiting all morning" I tell her

Ava's eyes go wide but smiles like she knows something... what's all that about?

"Am just gunna nip the shop's first but I'll make her some when I get back,will you be okay to do Holly's hair now and get her dressed "She asks

"She know's your doing her hair and dressing her Eva made sure it was placed in the social story" She tells me

I frown but nod "Sure" and she leaves me with Holly

"Hey Holly looking at me beautiful girl" I ask her and she looks at me with a beautiful smile

"Hey beautiful girl,time to get your hair done come sit on the chair for me" I ask her as I gesture to the chair that's all set up for me with my hair stuff

Holly moves to the chair and sits,starting to work on Holly's hair I quickly started curling her hair with my tongs as Eva told me that Holly doesn't like to stay sat down for too long...

Carefully spraying her hair with hair spray to set the curls,I start pinning them to the side and with the added touch of the hair accessory... Holly's hair is finished! Now to dress her,Holly's dress should be quite simple to put's a simple maxi dress similar to mine and cat's dress minus the one shoulder

"Right holly,looking at me" I ask holding the dress

Holly looks at me "Stand up for me gorgeous girl,amber needs to put your dress on for you okay?" I ask and hold out my hand which she takes,every time she does it just makes my heart melt... I love this girl!!

She's still in her bridal party shorts and vest pj's so I take her to the downstairs ensuite and change her in there

With holly changed I take her back to the living room and sit her down

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now