Chapter Seventy Nine-Amber

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Our honeymoon has been amazing, just a week of bliss with my husband.

We've done everything we could think of that I could take part in whilst pregnant...

The funniest was when I dragged a groaning Russ through about twenty stores when I wanted to go shopping. I felt like Julia Robert's in pretty woman minus the whole prostitute thing... We bought some cute outfits for our boy and a little Thankyou gift for Eva and Justin...

We saw the leaning tower of Pisa and went for a ride in a gondola through the grand canal in Venice as the sun was setting, it was so romantic. Of course we were insatiable for each other, we even had sex in one of the changing rooms when I was modelling my new maternity lingerie to Russ.. his eyes had darkened his need for me so strong he'd kissed me so passionately pushing us back inside the changing room and had his way with me... god it was so hot! My love for this man is unspeakable, I shall always be thankful and blessed that he came into my life when he did...

Now we're on the plane on our way home...

"I wanna go back" Russ whines "let's go back," he says "soon as we land in Liverpool we'll get the first plane back out" he grins

I chuckle "Now as much as that's an intriguing idea" I purr "but we can't because we're expecting a welcome party at the airport," I tell him

His face drops then he groans sulking "This is so unfair" he strops

"Naw, poor baby" I mock pout "we'll go again once TJ's born okay? Wait a couple of months then go?" I add

"Our first family holiday?" He grins rubbing my tummy, then he brings his face near my still small bump "I can't wait to see you, little man, daddy loves you so much" he croons

God the man is amazing.. how did I get so lucky...
                                    ~  • ~
Twelve Weeks Later

"Fuck me, TJ calm down in their baby boy...Mummy needs her ribs" I wince as I enter Eva's house

I'm now 39 weeks pregnant and I'm fucking huge... he's certainly made up for me being slim the first seven months then my bump became more and more visible, I've just been to see the midwife while Russ is at training. My boy can make an appearance any day now as his head is fully engaged.

I shut the door to hear the twins crying "Hey hey hey now what's with all the crying" I shout as I waddle towards the living room

"They're hungry is all, impatient little lumps aren't we? Yes, you are" she coos to them both as she makes their bottles, they stop crying as they see me appear...

Aidan and Anaya are both sat in their bouncers waiting for their feeds...

Grinning at them "There's my little twinny twins, auntie amber's here now no more tears now you hear?" I coo to them both, their bouncers bounce with their excitement

"So how did it go with pat?" Eva asks

Pat's the midwife, she's one of the old school midwives but she's the best...

"Great, she said TJ's fully engaged now so could be any day now" I smile brightly then wince as TJ kicks me in the ribs again

Eva grimaces "You okay babe?" She asks as she sees my face

"Yeah, he's been doing that a lot lately...this morning he kicked me and his foot felt it got caught in my rib, it was horrible" I grimace as he kicks me again Hard!!

"Theo James Berkeley don't make me come in there" I growl

Eva chuckles "Babe, you do know that can't happen yeah?" She says

I glare at my best friend "Well he doesn't know that does he?" I growl making her giggle again

Then I feel something move down below and it's not fucking pleasant, it's a sudden movement that makes me jerk in pain then I feel something gush between my legs

I gasp "Oh OH OH!! Eva... I think my waters just broke" I panic and I see liquid on her wooden floor

Eva's eyes go wide with panic and get's her phone out

"Shit babe am sorry, it's all over your floor" I wince

"Shut up you daft cow, your having your trying to get in touch with russ," she says the phone against her ear "Hey Russ, where are you? You still at training?" She asks

Her face morphs from panic to relief  "Yeah that's good cos your wife's waters just broke...Yep, just now" she grins "Okay will see you in a bit," she says hanging up

"He's literally around the corner babe, are you okay? Have you had a contraction yet?" She asks

"No not yet, but it's uncomfortable as fuck" I pant

"Baby!! Where are you?" Russ shouts as he runs through the front door

"Living room" Eva shouts

He appears in front of me and kneels before I can tell him about what he's kneeling in and I start laughing and Eva does too.

"What are you?... Eva you know there's water on the floor here?" He says looking over his shoulder

She chuckles hiding her grin "Yeah...that's not just any water though Russ" she says trying to keep her laughter in

"Why what?..." he asks as he looks at me I just lift my eyebrows until it dawns on him what's he's actually kneeling in

"So I'm basically kneeling in my son's piss and shit juice?" He grimaces

Justin snort laughs "Piss and shit juice...lad, you do know babies don't shit in the womb?" He says to Russ

"Oh that makes me feel so much better, so it's just piss juice then...awesome" he groans

"Oh stop your moaning and get me to the hospital before the contrACTIONS FUCK!!...Too Late!" I say wincing in pain fucking hell

"It's okay baby, just and out" Russ croons rubbing my back

"It's okay for you to say that, your, not the one about to push a little human out your hooha " I pant as I get another contraction "Fuck me!!" I cry out

"I've already phoned an ambulance babe, they're on their way," Eva says

"Have you told my mum and dad?" I ask her

"Yeah, they're meeting you at the hospital," she says softly "you got this babe, you can do it" she assures me squeezing my hand

"You're coming with me right?" I ask her my eyes pleading with her

"You sure you don't want just Russ there? Or your mum maybe?" She asks

I shake my head "No, I need you both" I pant Please girl, I'll need you" I plead

"But Russ..." she goes to say

"Will just be making jokes about how wide my hooha will get, trying to make me laugh....that won't make me laugh Eva"I growl she sighs then looks to Russ who's grinning the fucker he shrugs and nods and then to Justin "will you be okay with the babies?" She asks him

"Yeah, I'll just finish feeding them then take them down to see their nanna's and grandad's" he grins

We see blue flashing lights in the window then
And Everyone round me smiles brightly at me

"You ready to see our boy baby?" Russ croons

I nod enthusiastically smiling and wincing in pain at the same time

"We got this baby mama" Eva grins holding her fist out for me to bump with hers and I grin connecting my fist bump with Eva's as the paramedics start fluttering in...

Let's do this... I can't wait to see you my baby boy!!

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now