Chapter Thirty-Amber

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Eva's been gone for over half an hour now....we're starting to worry... that orderly said only 20mins

**knock knock**

"Come in" pop's says

A man in a orderly uniform comes in

"Eva Murphy?" He asks cheerfully

What the fuck?

"She's not here mate,one of your colleagues have already taken her for her MRI" Justin say's

The man looks at us all puzzled & looks at his sheet
"Well that can't be right...she's only just been okay'd to come down" he says

What the fuck??

"Well then where the fuck is my daughter then? Coz someone has taken if she isn't getting an MRI done.....where is she?" Pop's says "WHERE IS MY BABY GIRL??" He screams

"Call security NOW" Justin snarls at the orderly

"Amber call inspector Davies tell him what's happened" Justin tells me handing me a business card

What if it's that lad that attacked her? What if he hurts her?? Oh my god! Eva....

"What if it's him Justin? What if he hurts her?" I sob as Russ embraces me in his arms comforting me

"I'll find her! Don't worry amber" Justin promises and turns opening the door

"Am gunna go down to security see if I can see anything on CCTV...." He shout's as he run out the room

"Find my baby girl Justin Please!" Pops sobs

I step out of Russ's embrace to comfort pop's "why would anyone want to do this to her amber? She's done nothing to anyone" he sobs in my arms

My heart breaks a little at pop's break down and Russ comes over to hold my hand comforting me

Half an hour later inspector Davies and Ava are waiting to see if Justin's found anything...

Ava and pop's are in a warm embrace sitting on the bed...

All of a sudden Justin storms in holding a disc and he walks straight to inspector Davies...

You think you can get facial recognition from this?" Justin pants handing over the disc

"Give me an hour I'll be able to pull up his family tree" he says smugly "we'll find her Justin" he says patting his back

He just nods sadly

30mins later inspector Davies has found out who he is...

"His name is Dylan O'Conner... 22yrs old done for GBH...attempted theft...his list is endless!! ...his mum is's name is David O'Conner 40yrs old...There's a few outstanding warrants out for his arrest" inspector Davies informs us

"What the fuck?" I hear pops shout "give me that" he says ripping the sheet from inspector davies's fingers

"FUCK!!!" Pops cries

"What?" Justin asks in confusion

"FUCKING FUCK FUCK! This is all my fault!" Pop's cries "it's David O'Conner Ava...he growls at Ava who the everloving fuck is that?

She gasps in horror

"What the fucking fuck is going on paddy? Coz if you know something better tell me now so I can get to my girl! I need my girl paddy! She's everything to me" Justin sobs

Pop's and Ava exchange some sort of look in their eyes and pop's huffs but explains

"Back in the day.... Ava wasn't always mine...she was David's girl at first" he says

What the fuck is this shit?

Ava steps in "he was lovely at first very attentive and kind,but then a few weeks of being together he became obsessed...following me round... picking what clothes to wear,then he hit me....he really scared me,telling me I was his and nobody else's....he was crazy! paddy was my best friend and I told him...what had happened... Paddy fought him,I left David then...expressing my feelings to paddy within 2 months I was pregnant with Eva...last I heard David had already had a kid with someone else so he'd been cheating on me anyway" Ava says

"He was a crazy bastard" pop's growls

"Anyway... he came to our house couple of weeks ago,he works for friar tucks delivery service....oh my god!" Pop's gasps

He waste no time ringing friar tucks the police take over finding out every detail that wasn't available to them on the system...we have a recent address

They are on our way to the address hoping like hell that Eva is there,and all I can hope is that they make it in time....

Please be okay Eva...

A couple of hours later I'm in Russ's apartment in bed and I get a call from Justin telling me that Eva's fine,that she'd collapsed outside the pricks house...her face had been battered so they're doing an MRI... I asked what happened to the bastards that took her and he told me they'd been arrested and that they'll be going down for a long time...Thankgod!!! Before I ended the call,I told him I'd come and see her in the morning if she's still in hospital ... and to let me know if she get's discharged,so I can see her at home. He promises me that he would and we say our goodbyes

"Eva okay?" Russ asks holding me to him

I sigh in relief "Yeah Thankgod,and I relay what Justin told me to him"

"I hope they rot in there" Russ growls angrily

"Me too" I tell him "I told Justin I'd come and see her tomorrow if she hasn't been discharged by then" i add kissing him briefly

"I'll take you to her baby" he croons "now I believe I've got some making up to do" he growls as he eyes darken in lust

My breath hitches as get's between my legs and lowers his head near my covered pussy

Ripping my thong from my body he latches his mouth on my pussy devouring me...

He keeps his promise as he spends all night Making It Up To Me!!

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now