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Four Year's Later

"I still can't believe our boy is about to start nursery already," I say to Russ who's arms are wrapped around my waist from behind as we watch our son watching CBeebies on the telly...

"I know babe, seem's like just yesterday he was born," Russ says kissing my neck then let's go of me to walk over to our son and sits down on the floor next to him

"Hey little man,what are we watching ere?" Russ asks TJ

"Dumfin Decial" TJ grins at russ

Something Special or as TJ likes to call it Dumfin Decial is about a man named Justin who goes round meeting children with special needs,doing sign language with them,Mr Tumble is TJ's favourite

"Ister Umbleeeeeee" TJ shout's to the screen as Mr Tumble appears and he Get's all excited

"TJ baby" I croon "We'll have to leave soon okay? You got nursery in a bit" I tell him as I pack his bag

"But Mummy Ister Umble on" TJ moans from the floor

"Mummy's recorded it already baby boy don't worry" I smile at my boy "don't you wanna go see Aidan and Anaya?" I ask him

He leaps up excitedly "Yeah!!!" He bounces up and down

I grin at my boy "come get your coat on then and we'll leave..." I say as I walk to the cloakroom to retrieve our coats

"Daddy tan I det on your neck?" TJ asks russ

Russ grins at our son and I smile warmly at the interaction god they're so alike it's unbelievable!!

"Well little man,we'll wait until we're outside cos daddy's quite big isn't he? And if your all the way up here we won't be able to get out the door will we?" He tells TJ as he goes to ruffle his hair

"Erm,don't you even think about it..." I scowl pointing at my man "he's about to go to school I don't want you messing his hair up" I tell him

"Ducking hell babe,he's four not a teenager" russ huffs and yes the 'ducking' was intentional we say duck instead of fuck when we're round TJ or the twins

"I don't give a duck babe,it's his first day and I want everything to be perfect for him" I tell him putting my hands on my hips making him aware am not fucking around

He nuzzles my neck nipping it gently "You know I fucking love it when you get all sassy on me,turns me the fuck on" he whisper growls in my ear

I giggle shoving him away gently "Yeah Yeah cassinova... come on,we need to go to Eva and Justin's" I say as I walk out the door

"Right come on my boy on daddy's shoulders" russ says to TJ as he kneels down on the floor outside

I instantly start to panic "You keep tight hold of daddy TJ you hear me?" I tell TJ

"Calm down Mama,I got our boy...chill" russ croons as we walk down towards Eva and Justin's house

"You walk ahead baby,am gonna have 'the nursery talk' with our boy" russ croons as his movements slow down

"Okay don't be too long" i purr as I walk towards Eva's house

"That arse" I hear russ growl and I inwardly chuckle as TJ asks russ "Daddy What's arse?"

I don't hear his reply as I get nearer to Eva's house

Hey girl" I smile as Eva opens her door

"Hey babe! Where's TJ?" She asks me

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now