Chapter Fifty Nine-Russ

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The next few weeks pass in a blur...I still can't believe am gunna be a daddy....

The day after Eva had the twins amber made an appointment to see her doctor which happens to be the same one as Eva's...

As amber wasn't sure when she was last on her period as she was on the pill,so it messed with her cycle a lot...dr.winterburn gave us the choice of waiting for an appointment to the hospital or going to 'Hello Baba' Like Justin & Eva...Of course we opted for 'Hello Baba'

"I'm so excited to see our baby" she murmurs against my lips and I grin as my hearts soars in happiness

"Me too baby....Me too" I croon kissing her briefly

We're standing in the waiting room of 'Hello Baba'

"Amber Dooley" a lady calls

"That's me" Amber smiles

"I'm sarah,I'm the sonographer here at 'Hello Baba' I believe dr.winterburn sent you?" She asks

"Yes,I recently found out I'm pregnant but I'm not sure how far along I am as I was on the pill and it messes with my cycles" amber explains

Sarah smiles "That's fine Hun,you find that happens a lot with women on the pill" she smiles at amber and looks at me in horror "I'm sorry how rude of me,I'm sarah and you are?" She asks

"It's okay love,I'm russ the baby daddy" I grin holding out my hand

"Russ" Amber growls in embarrassment

Sarah chuckles "Well pleased to meet you Russ the baby daddy" as she shakes my hand "if you'd both like to follow me please" she smiles at us both and walks away

"Your gunna get it you" amber mouths glaring at me

"Oooooo" I mouth wiggling my eyebrows "can't wait"

Amber tries to keep her glare on her face but fails miserably and breaks into a grin shaking her head as we follow sarah into a room

"Right I'll need you to change into this gown Hun,you can change in the bathroom there okay? She asks pointing to a door

Amber frowns taking the gown "Okay" she says hesitantly

Sarah smiles "It's just With you not knowing how far along you are I'll need to do an internal scan Hun okay?" She verifies


"Internal?" I ask "you mean...." I circle my thumb and index finger and put another finger through the hole

"Fucking hell" amber mutters to herself

Sarah presses her lips together to stop herself from laughing "Yes russ,Vaginally" she tells me

Amber walks into the bathroom muttering to herself about how she can't take me anywhere and shuts the door

I chuckle cos she's probably right...

"So russ... what is it you do?" Sarah asks

She doesn't know who I am? Well this is a first!

"I'm russ Berkeley love" I tell her

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