Chapter Seventy Six-Russ

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After our hot as fuck sex session in the shower we get dressed and amber notices a note attached to her case...

"Got a note here from Eva and Justin babe" she says and I walk over to read over her shoulder

'To fucker & Amber,We have arranged for your car to be brought to the hotel with all your honeymoon stuff. It'll be parked in the hotel car park! Figured it would be easier for you both, have a ball in Italy!
              Happy Fuck-a-moon
               Justin & Eva xx

I snort laugh "fuck-a-moon...that's better than my one that is" I chuckle

"You and him are as bad as each other" amber growls

I shrug "I've probably rubbed off on him" I chuckle

We make our way down to my Land Rover and as I put the mini suitcases in the boot there as Justin said are our suitcases...

On amber's seat is our boarding passes wrapped in a blue ribbon..

"I can't believe we're going to Italy" Amber says excitedly

Justin and Eva had told us last night,that they'd bought us a holiday in Italy as a wedding present to be honest I didn't even think of a honeymoon... I didn't even think Amber could fly with her being pregnant,neither did Amber..but Eva had assured us both that Amber can fly.. so we're off to Italy in a few hours,we have to check-in in 2hrs so we're gonna stop off at Mum and dad's first

We arrive at Mum and dad's and let ourselves in "Maaaa!! Daaaaa! We're here!!" I shout as I shut the door behind us..

We hear someone singing from the kitchen and amber looks at me frowning,I put my index finger to my lips so she doesn't speak and we sneak to the kitchen where our Craig oh my fucking god!!! Is dancing round with his headphones on,singing into the mop

Waiting for a star to fall
And carry your heart into my arms
That's where you belong
In my arms,baby yeah!!!

He dances round the kitchen singing the lyrics and I hear a cute giggle to the side of me and lo and behold is my beautiful mischievous wife recording my little brother and his performance on her phone...

"Your cruel you baby" I chuckle and she snorts

"Yeah okay babe,don't pretend you wouldn't of done the same" she chuckles yeah that's true!!

Craig then skids across the kitchen floor on his knees "baby YEAH!!!" And stops in front of us breathless,opens his eyes and screams like a fucking girl... Fucking Pussy!!! I snort laugh and amber applauds our Craig "Oh my god Craig you can't half move can't ya? And sunset strippers?!? Haven't heard that song in ages!!" She squeals tapping her screen grinning from ear to ear

"What have you done amber?" Our Craig groans

She gasps "Me?" She asks in mock innocence

"Yeah you! You recorded me didn't you? Come on now" he groans "delete the video!" He pleads

"Oh my dear dear little brother Craig,I didn't video you no" she smiles innocently shaking her head,Craig sighs in relief "I Facebook LIVED you SUN!!" She cackles "Oh and look!! Our Catherine's Just loved it!!" She teases showing him the phone we're over fifty people are watching our Craig singing and dancing with a mop

"Amber,that shit's not funny" Craig growls "delete it now!" He asks her and she puts her phone in her bra Yeah your not getting it now bruh!!

"There's my boy...and my daughter in law!" Mum squeals excitedly pulling us in for a hug "I was wondering when you were going to turn up" she adds

"Ma we've been here for about ten minutes already" I tell her and she frowns

"Well why didn't you say anything?" She huffs Is she for real right now?

"Ma,I did!! I shouted you as we came in,where's dad?" I ask her and he comes in the kitchen fixing his hair grinning at Mum and she blushes...the dirty little fuckers!!! Amber snort laughs whilst our Craig looks at them in disbelief

"You dirty fucker's...and there's you giving me shit earlier aswell!!" I scold them

"You Two were fucking whilst I was in the house?" Our Craig mock gags in sickeness "for shame!! For SHAME!!" He scolds them pointing between them

"Oh behave you two!" Mum scolds "it's okay to still have a sex life at our age!!" She adds

Craig covers his ears "Don't you dare say the word se... say the word se...x..." He groans

"SEX!!!!!" Dad shouts grinning at Craig and he cringes "and why the fuck not?!? your Ma is a fucking MILF,a mighty fine
MILF!!" Dad growls grabbing my mum by the arse and she moans O-Kay Then!!...time for us to GO!!!

"Yeah,an on THAT note!! We're off... See ya!!" I say saluting them both whilst grabbing Amber by the hand

"But you've only just came" Mum moans

"You've only just came!" Dad growls in her ear and she giggles fucking giggles!!

"Fucking hell! I'm. Right. Here!!" Craig groans covering his ears "Keep that shit on the down low for fucksake!" He growls cringing

Mum and Dad roll their eyes at Craig grinning...

"We've gotta check in Mum,I stopped by like I said..but now we gotsta go!!" I tell her

She sighs sadly "oh okay then! But you Call soon as you land okay?" She asks us 

"We will catherine" amber assures her "I promised I'd ring my parents too" she tells my mum

**ping** Amber looks to her phone and does some weird laugh sort of a snort,giggle,chuckle,cackle all in one...

She looks up guiltily "am sorry Craig...Justin's Shared my post" she tells him

"You didn't sound so sorry just then though..what was it Russ?" He asks thinking to himself "oh yeah" and does a girly snortgigglechucklecackle

Amber's jaw drops and gasps "I do NOT sound like that" she huffs "tell him Russ..tell him I don't sound like that" she asks me

Without hesitation I reply cos fuck I don't wanna piss off my woman before my honeymoon!

"She doesn't sound like that" I tell our Craig and he chuckles pointing at me

"Tell our Amber wears the pant's in your house then" he chuckles

I shrug not giving two fucks Happy Wife... Happy Life an all that!!

Dad winks at me knowingly "Right let the newly weds go,they've gotta drive to the airport and check-in" Dad says rubbing mums arms

We say goodbye to everyone and leave the house..

Getting in the car I ask amber as we put our seatbelts on "So what was so funny?" I ask her gesturing to the house

"Oh!!" She laughs again and show's me her phone and see our Craig's little performance is now on YouTube

I snort laugh "It's a good job we're going to Italy for the week" I chuckle "he ain't gonna be happy" I tell her as I reverse out my parents driveway.

She shrugs wiping the tears of laughter from her face "We'll just get Marcus on to it" she grins "you pay your agent enough for this shit" she adds

I chuckle and nod leaning over to her to kiss her briefly as we drive off...

Fuck-A-Moon here we come!!...

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now