Chapter Seventy Three-Amber

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The day has flew over,my mum told me earlier to savour every second because it goes really fast...and she wasn't kidding...

We've just heard Justin and Eva's joint speech,which was so sweet and funny... I'm so blessed to have such an amazing friend,who has been just as much a sister to me than friend. I bet my TJ,Aidan & Anaya will be just as close.

My dad's speech was emotional yet awkward as he kept mentioning to Russ if he'd hurt me in any way that his machete Bertha and he would pay Russ's body parts a visit...yeah that was fun! I chuckle to myself

Just then the chair next to me moves and I look and see pablo sitting down...

He smiles at me hesitantly "Isa it okay if I sat?" He asks me well that's a doesn't matter now does it? Your already sitting down!! I shrug

"Amber I... I just wanted to say how sorry I am for how I treated you back then,I was a different person. Just know the look on your face when you saw me..." he grimaces "it's haunted me,I did care for just took me losing you to realise it. I was too lost in the drug addition,I was selfish cold and heartless" he tells me "I know I don't deserve it,but can you truly forgive me? Mi Amor" he asks and I flinch as he winces realising his slip up

"Don't you ever call me that again!"I growl "matter of fact I suggest you call my cousin something else too..god know's how many women you gave that endearment to!!" I huff "she deserves that,I see you make her happy" I tell him

"She makes me happy amber I love her,she saved me" he tells me

"I forgive you pablo,I see that man over there" I point to Russ who's just walked back from going to get drinks is laughing with Justin and Craig

"He saved me" i gesture to myself "what you did to me,left me in a dark place" I tell him and his face falls "I'm not telling you this to make you feel guilty am merely pointing out that Russ saved me,he brought me out of the darkness I was in. He truly loves me and I love him,I'm finally happy" I tell him and rub my still flat pregnant stomach

He looks to my stomach and smiles "I'm happy for you amber truly,Russ is a lucky man" he smiles warmly

I smile back shaking my head "No I'M the lucky one and so are you" I tell him gesturing to our Vee who is watching us with a concerned face I blow her a kiss and her posture relaxes

"Go be with my cousin Pablo,all is forgiven...go and live" I tell him and he grins at me taking my hand kissing my knuckles "Be happy amber" he croons and walks away..

"I hope your gonna wash that hand" Russ glares watching Pablo walk away he can't be serious!

Russ's eyes find mine and his eyebrows lift he's serious

I reach inside his suit jacket that's hanging over the chair and get the pack of wet wipes out that we used earlier and clean my hands watching him as I do...

"Happy?" I ask trying to keep a straight face

"Fucking ecstatic why the fuck was he kissing your hand for?" He growls

"He was apologising again and wanted to know if I had truly forgiven him" I shrug "I told him that forgave him.That I'm happy and very much in love with you,that you were the light that brought me out of my darkness and.." I say as Russ cuts me off with a kiss that renders me speechless

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now