Ruby scratches the back of her neck. "This was really sweet, Nicolas." She begins, "But I can't forgive you right now because I don't want it to seem like every time you hurt me you can easily serenade me or fulfill a wish of mine and you're forgiven but no. That isn't how it is. I'm sorry but you're going to have to earn my forgiveness this time."
I can't say anything. I don't know what to say. She's right. I watch as she walks away with her daughter and my son.
The people who surrounded us are now walking away, feeling sorry for me. I was publicly rejected and embarrassed.
I figured that after a few minutes of standing where Ruby had rejected me, I should head home but if I'm to be honest with you, I don't feel like going home. I don't want to go somewhere that I know Ruby was once at and now she isn't.
I want to drown myself again in the bittersweet taste of alcohol in my mouth, sliding down my throat and taking complete control of my mind and body, again. I know that could probably be the only way but I can't. I can't do that again because if I want Ruby to come back to me, I need to be a better man.
I have to admit it and I hate it, but when I was a drunk mess, I was nothing but trouble. Not even, pfft! I was nothing but trouble ever since my beloved Ruby miscarried our child and I had an affair rather than support my wife, rather than show her the damn support she needed from me, I cowered away into Athena's wrinkly arms.
And I'll be fucked if I don't turn back and correct my mistakes. Starting with the most recent before Ruby: Carl.
I get back into my car and drive out to Carl's home where I'm greeted by Sie, "Uncle Nicolas! Oh I haven't seen you in forever! I was just visiting Carl and I just asked him if he'd seen you —"
"Hello, Sie, where's Carl?" I deadpan, rudely interrupting her enthusiastic greeting.
"Oh, um." She stammers, "He's right in here, come in." She leads me to the kitchen where I see Carl laughing and going through a cigar. He catches my stare and smirks, politely telling his guests that he'd return in a swift moment before he ushers me out to the lawn.
"What do you want now, Nicolas?" He smirks, he knows damn well what he did hurt me in every way possible. He's the reason I'm having issues with Ruby right now just after things with her had just gone right. He's the reason I have to win her back again and prove to her that I'm meant for her. He's the damn cause of everything!
My chest rises with every fucking breath I take. "Oh I know," He snickers. "You're here to tell me you want me to tell that hot woman that I lied so you could get her back?"
"How could you go to her? How could you hurt her in that way? Thats your way of hurting me?" I blurt. "You fucked up by dragging her into this shit, I won't give up until I know you're burning in your own hell!"
Carl frowns, taking this as a threat to which he should. "Nicolas Jourdan," He scowls. "Are you seriously threatening me?" He scoffs, "You don't threaten me, you don't scare me. I'm much more powerful than you, I can and will destroy you. You can't come to my house and threaten me when you know for sure that I can finish you and your son."
"Leave Albert out of this!" I shout, "Aren't you man enough to handle this man-to-man!? Oh I forgot, you aren't because a real man wouldn't attack another with the woman he loves or their family!" I give him a shove, "You better watch your damned back, Carl, because I will fucking ruin you. You're a mistake I took and I will fix that, you'll no longer be the grand Carl, you'll be nothing to no one. Don't you ever come near my family, if you want a war, come to me, not to them."
Carl's dark eyes glare right through me as he tries to land a punch on my but I quickly dodge it, laughing menacingly as I push him to the ground. "Consider yourself warned."

Rekindled Love
Storie d'amorePublished: December 20th, 2016 Completed: Ongoing I've been asked about making a third book about the affair series and after some thinking - I've decided to make one! This short story will show you just how Nicolas has managed to woo Ruby back, it'...