Chapter 3

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Please excuse any mistakes!



Chris POV:

A week later...

It's been about a week since me and Kayani went on our little date and we learned a lot about each other. We haven't known each other for long but it feels like we've known each other for years. We hang out whenever we are free and when we aren't free to hang out we text and talk on the phone. She's like a best friend to me.

I was walking around my house in just some basketball shorts and Nike slides, cleaning up. Kayani was supposed to come over and we were going to cook together and then invite the rest of the crew over for a game night. We always go out to eat together or to parties and we wanted to do something a little different. I went back into my room to wake up the little shorty I met at the party that night. I found out her name was Shanice. We've been kicking it but not on no intimate, relationship type shit. Just fucking here and there, nothing major.

"Wake up mama. I got company coming over in a few." I yanked the covers off of her and tapped her legs. She stood up and stretched before walking to the bathroom, making sure to switch her butt a little more than normal. I sighed and shook my head. 

I went in the kitchen to finish cleaning up when I heard a knock at the door. I felt my heart sink to my stomach when I heard Kayani's voice.

"Hey Chris it's me! Open up, I have so many bags in my hands." 

I ran to the door to help her with the bags. "Why didn't you call me to help you, girl?" I asked while placing everything on the counter and table. 

"I would've but my phone was in my bag and I didn't feel like taking it out. But I'll be back, I'm going to use the bathroom really quick then we can get started." 

Before I could stop her, she was on her way to the bathroom. 

"Shit." I cursed to myself. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone else was here." Kayani walked back out with a facial expression I couldn't read. It seemed to be a mix of upset and hurt. "You didn't tell me you had company." she said with a cracking voice. 

"I know I- she- was-" I stammered.

"Um I'll uh, be back. I left a bag in the car." she said before grabbing her phone out of her purse and running out with her head down. Before I got the chance to say anything, the door slammed in my face and Shanice came out of the room dressed. 

"What the hell were you doing? I told you to leave a long ass time ago! You know what? I'on even care, just get the fuck out." I yelled before going to my cabinet and grabbing some weed. I needed something to ease my mind. 

"I was taking a shower, I thought you heard the water running. Who was that bitch anyways? Another one of your fuck buddies?" she said. 

"Don't call her a bitch, bruh. I ain't gotta explain shit to you because you ain't my girl. Now get the hell out of my house." I yelled again before taking a long hit of the blunt I had quickly rolled. She kept talking but I had already toned her out and continued smoking until she left. After I was done smoking I ran outside to see Kayani on the phone. She hadn't seen or heard me come outside so I sat silently, listening to her conversation. 

"I know Si but seeing that girl here hurt me and I don't know why."

"Duh bitch you like him!" I heard Sierra yell over the phone. I chuckled and shook my head as I continued to listen. 

"Maybe I do Si, I don't know. I couldn't tell him that though. He'd think I was some psychotic bitch." she said making me chuckle again. She started to end the conversation so I took that as my chance to walk over to her. I wouldn't let her know I was listening to her conversation since she didn't want me to know in the first place. I decided I'd let her tell me on her own, if she wanted to.

"Kay Bear come here, man." I said to her using the nickname I gave her. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." I pulled her close to me to give her a hug but she rejected it. 

"It's okay Chris, really. What you do on your free time is none of my business. Let's just go start dinner before everyone comes over." she smiled and walked back in the house. I knew she was faking it but I wouldn't press the issue. I just followed behind her to begin making dinner. 

"Chris were you smoking?!" she yelled. 

"No girl, you tripping." I said, clearly lying. 

"Boy when you gonna learn to stop lying to me?" she said. "Ayyy, this is my song! Turn it up!" I laughed watching her rap along to Nicki Minaj's part in Rake it Up. 

"Bust it down, turn ya goofy down. Pow!" She started twerking and I joined her allowing her to dance on me. We were having a good time when we heard a voice clearing their throat. We both turned around quick to see Sierra, Mike and Blake standing at the door. 

"Just friends, my ass. Nani, help me with these games." Sierra said with a smirk. 

"Nah I got it." I spoke up. I grabbed all of the items she was holding and placed them on the dining room table. 

"Okay guys the food is all ready! Everything is on the kitchen table so help yourselves!" Kayani spoke and Mike was the first one in the kitchen, of course. "Dang boy, you act like you ain't ever eat before. Save some for everybody else!" Sierra said to Mike. 

A little while later we were all finished eating and sat in the living room playing Uno. 

"C'mon man, you cheating! You can't do that bruh!" I said to Kayani. She tried to tell me putting down a color change card blocked a draw 2. 

"Yes huh! You just mad I'm winning!" she said with a giggle. 

"Ay man, somebody get this girl before I slap her big headed ass. You can't block a draw card, girl. Only in 8's!" I said to her. After 5 minutes of going back and forth she gave in and took 2 cards from the pile, but ended up winning anyways. 

"Okay guys, I think we're gonna head on out. It's a lot later than I thought." Sierra spoke. "Wake up babe, we're going now." she shook Blake. After they left, Kayani stayed around to help clean up. After about 30 minutes, my place was clean and Kayani was on her way out of the door. 

"Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked her as I leaned against her car. 

"Umm, I'm not sure. I have to work in the morning and then babysit my little sister. My mom's working another overnight shift tomorrow." she replied. I felt like she was just trying to avoid being with me because she was still hurt from what happened today with Shanice. But I understood where she was coming from. 

"Alright then, can I at least get a hug?" I asked with my arms out. 

"Go hug Shanice." she winked and blew a kiss at me before getting in the car and pulling off. This girl was a trip.


I feel like this chapter was really short.

I really hope the rest of the chapters aren't extremely short though! I type on my computer and I can't really tell. 

Anywho, what do you guys think Kayani should do? Should she tell Chris how she feels or is it too early?

Vote/like, comment and share! 

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