Chapter 14

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This chapter will be interesting!

Shanice below.

Ignore any mistakes and enjoy!

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Ignore any mistakes and enjoy!


1 week later...

Chris' POV:

I turned the shower off and walked into my room to start getting dressed. It was going on 1 pm and my day was packed. I had to bring Eric to a basketball camp he'd be attending which was a week long, then I had a photo shoot to do for a client I met through Instagram and later Nani and I were going to look for apartments for her. She had been thinking about moving for a while now since she was getting older. She felt like she shouldn't be living with er mother anymore. I tried to get her to live with me since she was over here all the time but she wasn't having it.

Fifteen minutes later, I was finished getting dressed and went into Eric's room. 

"You ready kid?" I asked him. He simply nodded and stood to exit the room. 

We walked putside to the car and headed towards the rec center where the rest of his team was meeting. 

My phone rang and once I pulled up to a red light I put it on speaker. 


"Hey babe." I heard Kayani's voice.

"Hey ma, what you doing?"

"About to get in the shower. I just called to check up on you. What time is your shoot?"

"I'ma head there right after I drop off Eric. Janae said there's an extra spot in the building she uses to shoot and make her clothes and shit so I'ma be over there." I said pulling up to the rec center.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you later then. I have a list of places to see and then we can go out to eat after or back to your place and I'll cook, whichever."

"We can go back to my place. I've been craving some cajun chicken pasta." I said licking my lips just thinking about it.

"Okay," she laughed. "Cajun chicken pasta it is."

"Cool. I'm at the rec center so I'll text you when I get to my shoot."

"Okay baby, bye." 

"Bye." I hung up and looked into my rearview mirror at a saddened Eric. 

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him but he gave me no response. "You scared to leave, huh?" He nodded his head.

"Look man." I turned around to face him. "It's only a week, you'll be straight. You got your phone so you can text and call me. And you'll be with a bunch of friends doing what you love. I'll be the first one here waiting on you when y'all get back. Then we can do something when you get back, whatever you want. Deal?"

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