Chapter 8

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1 week later...

Chris POV:

It's been a week since I fought Xavier in the park. He must've lost his mind if he thought he was gonna push Kayani around like that, especially in front of me. I had asked Kayani to meet me in the park. I needed to talk to her and make sure she was straight. I sat on the bench and watched Eric practice his basketball. I took my phone out to text Kayani to see if she was still coming but before I got the chance to she walked over to me with huge sunglasses on er face. Something was obviously up.

"Hey." she smiled. 

I stood to hug her and when I touched her even a little bit she winced. I shook my head in disgust knowing her situation was a lot worse than I thought. 

We sat down and I decided to start the conversation. "Why you got them big ass sunglasses on? There ain't that much sun out here." 

She just shrugged. "What did you wanna talk about? I, uh, gotta go soon." I noticed she was real fidgety and kept looking around. 

"Calm down girl. He ain't here. And if he did pop up, I got'chu. You know that." We sat in silence for a moment. "How's work been?" 

She didn't say anything. "You are still working, aren't you?" I asked.

She dropped her head into her hands and I soon saw her back moving up and down heavily, indicating that she was crying. 

"Come here, man." I pulled her closer to me to hug her. Seeing her like this made my blood boil and it made me want to fuck him up again. 

"I don't know what to do Chris. I'm scared. And I'm forced to stay at his house."

"What you mean?"

She took a moment to get herself together before speaking again. "Me and my mom got into an argument. It was about Xavier. It got really heated and I said some things I shouldn't have. She kicked me out and now she won't even talk to me. I have nowhere to go except to his house!" she cried even harder.

I hugged her tighter. "You know you're always welcome to come to my place Kayani."

"I couldn't." she pulled away and wiped her face. "He'll know something is up and come looking for me. I don't want to cause you that kind of drama." 

"He ain't 'bout it 'bout it." I said causing her to chuckle. "Foreal though, I'm not taking no for an answer. We'll go get your stuff today and then go back to my house. It'll be okay." I hugged her one last time and stood up to leave. 

"Come on Eric! We're leaving."

Eric ran over with a concerned look on his face. "Chris, what you do to my girl?" he asked before taking Kayani's hand. "You okay baby?" 

She laughed before responding, "Yes Eric. I'm fine." 

We all walked to the car and headed towards Xavier's house. 

10 minutes later we pulled up to the front. 

"You sure you don't want me to come in?" I asked.

"Yes Chris, I'm sure. I won't be long. 15 minutes tops." she said before walking up to the house. 

"I'm coming in if you don't come out within 16 minutes!" I yelled out the window and she turned around and smiled. After she knocked, Xavier answered the door clearly intoxicated. He gave her a weird smile before raising a glass to his lips and invited her in the house. I got a weird feeling but I let her get her things by herself. 

Not even 5 minutes later, I heard tons of screaming which alarmed me automatically. 

"Eric, I'll be right back. Lock the doors." I stepped out the car after removing my hoodie and Eric did as I said. I jogged up to the door and went inside. There was glass everywhere and blood on the floor. I instantly got sick to my stomach. The nausea turned into anger when I saw Kayani crying on the floor with a busted lip and bleeding nose.

"Where is he?" I asked furiously. She pointed to the back and I helped her out to the car. "Call the police, I'll go get your stuff." 

Once I stepped foot back into the house, Xavier was now in the kitchen refilling his glass. I cleared my throat to let my presence be known. He looked nervous when he saw me but tried to hide it. 

"Look man, I ain't here to beat your ass again even though I would love to do so." I said walking around him. "I'm just here to get her stuff because she damn sure ain't staying here no more. I started to walk towards the back but stopped in my tracks when I felt cold metal on the back of my head. 

"Listen up. You gonna do what I say or else I'll blow your fucking brains out." I heard him slur. "Turn around." 

I did as he said and now the gun was aimed at my forehead. "Oh, so you gonna shoot me? Why you can't fight me like a real man? You love beating on women so much, fight me nigga." 

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed. His hand that held the gun was shaking so I knew he was nervous. 

"You ain't really gonna do it." I antagonized. "You too pussy."

"I swear to God I will fucking shoot you if you don't shut your mouth!" he said with his hand still shaking. By this time he put his glass down and held his hand with the other to try to stop it from shaking. 

"Go ahead, shoot me! I dare you!" 

Just then, there was a bang and the door was knocked down. Xavier was tackled to the ground by two police officers and handcuffed. 

"Are you okay sir?" an officer asked me.

"Yeah, I'm straight." 

The two officers that cuffed Xavier took him out to the police car and the rest of us followed behind them. When I stepped outside there was a medic looking at Kayani's face and a detective asking her questions. I ran over there as soon as I could.

"Listen man, I know you're just trying to do your job but she's had a rough day. Do you mind if we maybe come by to see you some time tomorrow? Just so we all can get some rest." I said to the detective.

"Sure sir. No problem. Here's my card, just give me a call when you're ready to talk. Have a good night." he walked off to join the rest of the squad. 

"Thank you." she said with her head down. "I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have even trusted him. You were right all along and I didn't listen." she began to cry and I pulled her close to me. 

"Come on Nani don't cry. You didn't know. It's okay baby girl, you're not stupid." I hugged her and rubbed her back before letting her go. "You get in the car and I'll go grab the rest of your stuff. Then we can go to my place and order a pizza or something, okay?" She just nodded and got back into the car.

It took me around 30 minutes to grab her things since the majority of it was still at her mom's house. 

We had finally arrived at my house and I helped Kayani out of the car since her body was sore from falling to the floor so hard. I ran her a bath with some Epsom salt since that always helped me when I was sore. 

"You don't have to get my stuff out of the car right now. It's pretty late and you've done enough for me tonight." 

"Okay, I'll go order the pizza. Towels and stuff are in that cabinet." 

I stood up off of the toilet seat to leave but was stopped when she hugged me. "Thank you. For everything." she said. I hugged her back, making sure I didn't squeeze too hard. "No problem, ma." 

I walked out to see Eric sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Ay man." he called. "Even though she was my girl first, I give you permission to cuff her. I know you like her so you might as well." 

I laughed at him. "It ain't that easy lil bro." 


Well, well, well. Mr. Xavier is off to jail, Kayani is staying with Chris. 

A lot is going on right now!

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