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(A/N: Welcome back readers to Crush! Well, if some of you are new, I recommend you to read the first book. By the way, I know you're all excited for the marriage between them. So let's begin!)

Jisoo's POV

I woke up immediately because of my noisy alarm clock. Today is the day I'm getting married with Kim Taehyung.

It has been 3 years since we finished high school and now I'm working as a pilot while he is the boss of a big company in Korea.

My phone rang when I sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the caller's ID. Look who it is, it's Kim Taehyung.

"Hello?" -Me

"Good morning, love. Ready for today?" -Tae

"Good morning too Tae. I'm quite nervous"- Me

"Nervous walking down the aisle or nervous of having sex?" -Tae

His sexiness made me blush so hard.

"Come on Tae. Honestly both" -Me

Both of us talked for a few minutes until I ended the call to take a shower.

After taking a shower, I got ready and prepared myself for the biggest day of my life.


I was finally wearing the wedding dress that Tae liked during our date a few months ago.

I was finally wearing the wedding dress that Tae liked during our date a few months ago

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He said he wanted me in it and now I am. I could not believe that this day would arrive.

The beginning of my life, starting my own family and having kids. It's just unbelievable.

"I can't believe my daughter is getting married" my eyes widened hearing the voice that I missed so much!

"Dad?! I missed you!" I ran and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry for coming late. I was in Budapest for the newest invention my company made"

I chatted happily and did cry out of missing him. Luckily Soohyang was there to fix my makeup again.

Mom was there looking at me with the biggest smile ever. We took some pictures as a whole family, along with Myungsoo and Yoona.

Myungsoo and Yoona are engaged. They will have their wedding next month.

Suddenly, I saw someone unexpected walking to my direction. "Hey Jisoo" Sohyun smiled.

"H-hey" I replied. "Congratulations on your marriage with Taehyung" we talked for a long time until she apologized about the past.

I forgave her and we were once again best friends.

The wedding was about to start so everyone left the bride's room excluding dad.

Dad was there, locking arms with me ready to walk me down the aisle.

"Ready little girl?"

"A-a bit" I replied gulping. Dad chuckled and gave me a reassuring smile making sure it will all be okay.

When the door opened, I was surprised seeing alot of people standing on their sits.

Dad and I took steps walking forward as I saw my friends busy taking photos.

Once I arrived, I was now standing in front of my future husband. I looked deep into his eyes that drowned me.

I couldn't even listen what the priest was saying. I felt like I was in dreamland or Alice in wonderland or whatever

When I shook it all off, Tae was already saying his vow.

"I, Kim Taehyung, take you, Kim Jisoo, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart"

"I, Kim Jisoo, take you, Kim Taehyung, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart"

(A/N: I don't know how marriage works. Seriously😢 Forgive me if I did anything wrong)

"Now, you may kiss the bride" Tae then brought me closer to his lips. He kissed me passionately as I kissed back.

The atmosphere was so cheerful and all. Some were having tears rolling down their cheeks.

"Now, you're my woman Kim Jisoo" Tae bit his bottom lip and smiled brightly.

"And you're mine" I replied with the biggest smile I could ever give.

We partied all night, danced and even played games. Jungkook, Jin, Jimin and the others sung on stage.

I never knew they were that good, including Tae. Tae sang for me a couple of times on stage and winked.

After that, we talked with guests and chatted about how we ended up together.

"Congratulations Jisoo. You're lucky to have him" Jimin smiled. I gave him a short hug of thanks.

The party ended at 12 midnight. I was so tired and I was getting sleepy. "Love, are you tired?" Tae brought me into his shouler.

"Yes, I am. Can we go home?" I questioned yawning. "Okay" he smirked and carried me bridal style.

"Tae! Put me down!" I laughed out loud and hitted him lightly but he won't budge.

When we entered the car, he puts on the safety belt for me. I was holding my breath at that moment.

"Let's go home" he smiled and started the engine. "Tae" I called out. He hummed as he stepped on the pedal.

"Are we sleeping in my house or your house?" he giggled and shook his head.

"Neither" he answered and fastened his speed. Without thinking too much, I accidentally dozed off to sleep.

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