Chapter 9: Akumatized Partners

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(Y/N) P.O.V

(Timeskip to 5 days later)

I was flying around as Queen Wolf, patrolling as I go. Today was a Sunday, so no school!!

I spotted Chat and Ladybug, but their outfits change.

Chat's suit was all white, and Ladybug's colors switched to red with black spots to black with red spots.

Chat didn't have his jade-forest green eyes anymore. His eyes were an orange-ish gold.

Ladybug lost her bluebell eyes, and was replaced with a lavender color.

I flew closer to them.

"There you are, Queen Wolf! We've been expecting you to come!" Ladybug said with an evil smirk, plastered on her face.

"Um, ok? What for exactly?"

"TO FIGHT, THAT'S WHAT!!" Chat yelled out.

Oh no, they must have been akumatized!! B-But how?! Why?!

I shook my head.

"I don't want to fight you guys! Please! What did I do to get you akumatized!?"

"YOU WERE HANGING OUT WITH NATHANIEL!!" They both yelled in union.

I've should of known.

I sighed.

Marinette, err, Ladybug, has a crush on Nathaniel now and Adri- I mean Chat was jealous of me being around him....

"So, that's why. I should've guessed" I flew away as fast as I could, straight toward Nathaniel's Place.

I busted through the balcony door, fixed it with my 'magic touch' and sighed.

I look over to Nathaniel. He was all shocked and almost had a heart attack.

I smiled and waved at him. I explained everything to him to what was happening. He nodded in understanding and let me stay the night in a separate room, with no windows apparently.

I may be a wolf holder, but I was a bit scared of the dark, due to what I've experienced when I was young, so I used my night vision....

Then I heard loud footsteps and a yo-yo spinning.


They were talking to Nathaniel's parents.

I heard their footsteps coming up stairs. I stood there froze up but, I had no another choice, but to create a hole in the wall and escape.

I flew far from Nathaniel's place, heading towards the Eiffel Tower.

I landed and heard swinging and a staff extending. They landed behind me, I only stood still and put my head down.

"You can't run from us, Wolf" Miss Fortune spoke.

"What do you want then!?!?" I yelled at them at the top of my lungs.

"Your miraculous of course. That's what Hawkmoth wants after all" Chat Blanc spoke up, breaking his silence.

I sighed.

"Give me a moment, I need to teleport home and get something to take my miraculous off" I lied.

They nodded, believing what I said.

I teleported to Nathaniel's place, grabbing Nathaniel, and teleported back to them.

They were shock at who I brought.

"Sorry Nathaniel, but I'll do anything to fix what's happening" I whispered to him.

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