Chapter 29: Concert For You

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Before this chapter starts, I want to thank all of you for 9k reads!! All your votes, comments, or even reads encourage me to keep continuing stories like this one!! All of you are amazing, and I love you all the same for being like that!! If I don't update in about a week or two, then Happy Thanksgiving to all!! I am so grateful for all your support and motivation!! Anyways, on to the story~!! 💕
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Your P.O.V

After Halloween from the portal incident, I felt better from my weird knock out incident. Adrien was always by my side, asking if I was better. I didn't want feel that well the day before, but now... I'm perfectly fine. Plus, today was also my concert too, so I got prepared and got dressed.

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I looked at my dress again, dusting some dust off. I fixed my bow and heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it to reveal Adrien. I blushed lightly.

"A-A-Adrien?! W-What are you d-doing here!?" I stuttered.

He chuckled and smiled at me.

"I was here to check up on you! And why are you wearing that dress?" He asked.

"Oh, this? I have a concert today being held near the Eiffel Tower! Don't you remember?"

"Oh! Yeah, I remember! I thought you were going to cheat on me with someone else!"

I laughed.

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