Chapter 16: My Kidnapping Stalker

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Adrien's P.O.V

All right, today is the day that I confess to (Y/N)!!

I took a deep breath.

But....I still can't believe my mom is still alive....and my dad was my enemy this whole time!!

I sighed, then I heard the door slammed open, causing me to jump and fall of the bed.


We all got up and ran to the table, we were already changed, but didn't get out of the room.

The table was filled with pancakes, cereal, and all different kind of things for breakfast.

"Um, Adrien? Are you gonna eat, or stay there and drool over the food?" Alya snickered.

I went to my seat next to (Y/N) and ate.

This tastes like heaven!! Who ever made this, I HAVE to come here everyday now!!

"(Y/N)? Who made this delicious food!?" Marinette exclaimed.

"Oh, well, um, I d-did"

We all looked at her. Nino was so shocked that he dropped his fork.

"So your saying....YOU MADE ALL THIS!?!" I excitedly exclaimed.

"U-Um, y-y-yeah...." I saw a blush creep on her face, making me smirk.

"You. Are. AMAZING!! You HAVE to work with my parents!!" Marinette squealed.

"Um, s-sure, I don't really mind!" She replied.

I leaned next to her ear.

"Can I visit you everyday now~?" I asked her in a whisper.

"What about your own chef? Wouldn't they be upset that you chose a young friend and not the professionals?" She whispered back.

I shrugged. "They wouldn't mind"

"Fine~. Under one condition!"

"And what's that M'Lady?"

"You have to buy me dessert after this"

"Alright then! As long as I get to taste your amazing food that you made!"

She chuckled. "Alright then, the deal has been made!"

(Y/N) P.O.V

I giggled as I saw Adrien's eyes were filled with excitement.

He must really like my cooking to be like that!!

I giggled again. I looked at everyone's plate to see them empty, even the plates and bowls that had all the food.

"You guys just turned into pigs now!" I started laughing a bit.

"We can't help in dudette! You are the best cook in my opinion!" Nino exclaimed.

"Well you guys have to help me clean! Everyone in the mansion are on vacation at the moment, so help me clean up!"

They all pouted and whined.

"If you guys help me clean, then you guys can get to try a dessert I'm making!"

They all got excited at the word 'dessert' and started cleaning.

(Five minutes later)~

"Wow! I never thought you guys can clean that fast!!" I cried out to them.

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