Chapter 10: Queen of Demons

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"Where have you been (Y/N), or should I say....Queen Wolf"


My mom turned the light switched on.

"Answer my question! Where have you been?!" She yelled at me, causing me to jump.

"The usual stuff. Fighting crime, saving people in distress, all that stuff"

"Well you know you shouldn't be like that all the time!!"

"Well who gives a damn about that!! I'm supposed to do my job as a heroine!!" I yelled back, leaving my mom in shock.

"You may be the Queen of Demons, Mom, but I have my own life!! I'M the Queen of Wolfs, NOT the Princess of Demons!!"

I transformed and left my mansion. I was shedding tears as I flew to Adrien's place.

I landed on the balcony, not wanting to bother him. With my wolf-like hearing, I could hear what he's saying to his kwami, Plagg.

"Plagg, I don't know how to confess to her....I mean, I did try to win her heart, but she's so innocent that she only laughs at people trying to flirt with her!"

"Kid, calm down! She gave you a peck on the cheek when she left! Isn't that enough to show you that she loves you also?!"

Adrien sighed.

"I....I guess your right, Plagg. Maybe she does feel the same way"

I stopped listening to their conversation. I stopped shedding tears and my sobbing. I was completely shocked.

Have I really not notice all that? I'm just that innocent to people, just laughing at their flirts?

I shook my head and sighed. I turned into a ghost and went through the balcony door, turning myself back into my flesh and bones.

"H-Hey Adrien!"

Adrien jumped and turned to face me.

"H-H-How long have you been standing there?!"

"Um, enough to hear your conversation about me~" I winked at him with a smirk on my face.

Adrien blushed a deep red, causing himself to get a nosebleed, he then fainted.

"A-Adrien!?" I ran over to him.

I sighed. I picked him up and settled him down on his bed.

"Hey, Plagg?"


"Has Adrien always felt like that towards me? Like more than just a friend and companion?"

He nodded his head.

"The kid is always blabbing about how beautiful and amazing you are"

I blushed a tint of pink, causing him to smirk.

"F-Forget I said anything!!" I handed him the camembert I owned him.

"Ok, (Y/N)!!" He said cheerfully for the first time, happily eating his cheese.

I sighed.

"I'm gonna stay here for the next 3 days. I'll inform Gabriel tomorrow about this" I whispered to Adrien.

His answer was just a groan. I giggled and flew upstairs, de-trasforming, and slept on the extra bed.

What a night to remember....

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