Chapter 19: Disaster Strikes

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up to see Adrien still asleep. I smiled and got up slowly, not wanting to wake him up. I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back in bed.

"....Stay....please...." a voice said sleepily.

I giggled softly.

"....You have....a really....cute....laugh.... (Y-Y/N)...."

I giggled again.

"Alright, Alright! Just get some rest Adrien, you need it...."

"....A-Al--....--right...." He went back to sleep.

I slowly removed his arms as he relaxed to sleep, and slowly got up. I went into the kitchen to see it all trashed up.

I sighed.

"Plagg!!" I yelled angrily. (Adrien is a deep sleeper in the story xD)

"Sorry~!! I was trying to find camembert~!!" He whined as he pouted.

I sighed and went to the fridge. I opened the bottom drawer and found camembert. I gave him the whole cheese and got some breakfast for myself.

I ate and saw Adrien walking downstairs, while rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, mon chaton~" I cooed.

He yawned, while stretching his arms.

"Good morning, mon loup~" He said sleepily, which made my heart skipped a beat.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"(Favorite Breakfast)!" I said pointing to his (plate/bowl).

"So, I had a dream last night...about you think it's true...?"

"What do you mean? We are dating..."

He looked at me shocked. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it, not having any words to say.

"During our dream, of course! We both had the same dream because I shared it with you! Marinette doesn't have it because I never shared it with her!" I explained.


"I'm an Angel, of course! I'm the only angel with this power, so I can change people's dreams or even enter them!"


"Well...I could change Plagg's dream, since he is about me being...dead..." I said sadly.

I stood up, put my (plate/bowl) in the sink, and went to the counter. I saw Plagg hugging a piece of his cheese while saying, "No".

It was kinda cute at how he looked like, but it was heartbreaking to see him suffer about me. I put a finger on his forehead and closed my eyes.

I opened them again and smiled at the sight. He wasn't saying, "No" anymore. This time, he was smiling and saying, "Cheese!".

I giggled and picked him up. I placed him in a small bed a created for him. Element woke up and sat on my shoulder, while yawning.

"....Good *yawn* morning...." She said sleepily.

I giggled.

"Good morning, Element! How'd you sleep last night?"

"Not very well....Plagg couldn't sleep, so he asked me to stay up with him because he was worried something might happen to you...."

"O-Oh....I feel....pretty bad....I mean....I feel like I caused all of this to happen...."

"No you didn't, (Y/n)! You saved them from destruction a lot! You shouldn't feel bad! You risked your own life for theirs, so they can live a happy life!"

"....I-I know, but....what if they died because of me....?"

"They won't (Y/n)....remember those visions you keep having....? You can control them now....and you can see the future and change it if it's bad....that way, they won't die because of you...."

"B-But....what if I failed....?"

"Don't worry, (Y/n)! You can go back in time and change it again and again! But....too much can cause the world at use it wisely"

"A-Alright, Element....I trust you....t-thank you for everything...."

"No problem...." She smiled, trying to cheer me up.

I returned the smile and went to Adrien.

"I-I heard your guy's conversation....a-and I know I shouldn't have listened, but I got worried...." He said, looking down.

"I-It's alright! I was about to tell you anyway!" I said waving my hands in front of me.

"But all we know now, is that Disaster Strikes"

Cliffhanger!! :3


There will be a part 2 for this, so yea!! I'm super excited to start writing it soon!! I am starting to feel better from my illness and will start doing more uploads as daily!! That's all for now!! Au Revoir~♡!!

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