Chapter 12: Jealousy

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Today was Valentines Day. The whole school was super excited about the Valentines Day Dance. They all had to bring a date with them. Of course, since I'm a famous singer and model.... most of the boys go after me.

Many of the girls get jealous of me, even Chloe. Kim and Adrien had a major crush on me. It was pretty obvious of all the blushing and stuttering.

"H-Hey, (Y-Y/N)!" Adrien greeted me.

I looked at him and waved. I was about to say something until I was pulled away into a kiss. I looked at who it was. It was Kim. I pulled away, getting mixed feelings in my eyes.

I looked to see Adrien crying, tearing up. I hated to see him hurt. I started dropping tears of my own. I pushed Kim away.

"I don't like you Kim!! I only like you as a friend and nothing more!!" I ran away, trying to catch up to Adrien.

I grabbed his wrist.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" He yelled at my face.

"No!! This was all a misunderstanding, Adrien!!" I started to sob.

Adrien was shocked, not pulling away from my grib.

"Kim....h-he....kissed me, b-but....I don't fell the same way.....I only love the two people in my heart....a-and....those two people....are right in front of and your alter ego....Chat Noir...." I sobbed, speaking my words and truth.

He pulled me into a hug. I hesitated, but hugged back, crying on his shoulder. He stroked my hair and rubbed circles on my back, calming me down.

"To be honest, I was actually really jealous, I mean, he stole your first kiss..." I pulled away and shook my head.

"Don't be silly, Adrien! I never even kissed him at all! He missed and kissed cheek instead!!"

I looked at him to see him dumbfounded. I laughed.

"I'd rather have mines to be you, Adrien. You've captured my heart the most. You were always by my side, never leaving it, and....I'm glad it was you who flirted with me as Chat!!" I chucked at the last part.

He blushed a deep red at the last part and laughed along with me.

"Would you like to be my date for the dance then?"

I squealed.

"Yes, of course!!" I hugged him with all my might because of my excitement.

"Can't.......breathe.....!!" He spoke out, gasping for some air.

I realized this and let go. I apologized to him over and over again.

"It's alright! I'm ok now!!" He ruffled my hair. "Oh, and, um, t-this is for you" He held out a present for me.

It had beautiful (E/C) wrapping with red hearts as the pattern. I cautiously reached for it. I examined it carefully.

"Can I open it??" I said with curiosity and joy in my voice.

He nodded and I opened it. It was a bracelet.

The wrist band part was made out leather. In the middle was a moon with a wolf howling, with golden designs around the moon.

 In the middle was a moon with a wolf howling, with golden designs around the moon

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(Visualization of bracelet)

I gasped.

"I LOVE IT!!" I squealed, hugging him.

He chuckled.

"We should get prepared for the dance" I nodded.

We went our separate ways and went home together after.

"Wait..." Adrien turned around.

"What's wrong?"

"M-My mom! She's gonna be at the mansion!!"

The realization hit Adrien.

"We should just go anyway, it might be something else..." He gently brushed his fingers on my cheek.

My face heated up, but I nodded at him. We kept walking and arrived at the mansion. We went inside and saw my mom.

"There you are sweetie! I've been looking all over for you!" She plastered a fake smile.

"Yeah, great to see you too....." I replied sarcastically. "Anyways, I have homework to do, and I have to work with Adrien like the teacher  constructed" I said, walking up the stairs.

I caught my mom smirk and mouthed...

'No more Mrs. Nice Demon from now on!!!'

I sticked my tongue out at her. She got mad and stormed off.

I can't deal with her anymore, specially the 'Queen' part.... I just wanted a normal life....

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