Chapter 22: Did I...?

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Adrien's P.O.V

I woke up and saw (Y/n) on the ground, blood surrounding her. I got up and ran towards her, only to be held back and get further away. I then tried to call her name, but it didn't come out of my mouth. I saw her body get swallowed up by the darkness, and disappeared without a trace.

I felt myself drop to my knees and crying non-stop. I looked down and saw a knife in my hand, covered in red, black, and white blood. My eyes widen and I looked up to see a ghost of (Y/n).

"(Y-Y/n)...?" I hesitated.

"You did this..." She spoke in a sad, creepy voice.

"Did what?"

"Shouldn't you now? Heh, you really are an idiot..."

"What did I do?"

"You killed me...your friends...your guardians...even your own father..."

"B-But! I didn't do anything!"

"Lies!! I saw you with my very own eyes!! You killed everyone!! You killed Element!! And even me!!" She shouted in my face.

Her tears dripped down from her face onto mines, but...they were bloody tears. Her eyes turned black and she disappeared.

'Did I really kill everyone? Did I do all this on purpose? Or an accident? Did I...?'


Hope you enjoyed this!! Very short, but I didn't have enough time since I had to update my other books as well!! I am deeply sorry if you expected more!! Au Revoir~♡!!

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